The code included in this project reproduces the analysis presented in: Pomeranz et al. Inferring predator-prey interactions in food webs. Methods in Ecology and Evolution
The full dataset is available at DataDryad here.
To run the full analysis, download the data and place the files in the Data/Raw_data folder.
The scripts should be run in order, e.g. 1_trait_matching_models.R, 1b_..., 2_..., 3_... etc.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. [email protected]
Below is an example of the novel methods used in this analysis.
For a full description of the WebBulder method, please see Gray et al. 2015, Joining the dots: An automated method for constructing fod webs from compendia of published interactions. Food Webs.
The supplementary material of Gray et al. 2015 contains the code for the WebBuilder
functions, as well as an example.
For a full description of the initial trait-matching model, please see Gravel et al 2013, Inferring food web structure from predator-prey body size relationships. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.12103. The supplementary information for Gravel et al. 2013 contains functions and an example for inferring interactions using predator-prey body sizes.
Read in the example data.
# load example data <- readRDS("Data/example_data.RDS")
is a list containing data for the Demspters Creek site.
Length Class Mode
observed.A 1089 -none- numeric
dw.ab 4 data.frame list
tm.initial 1089 -none- numeric
niche.forbidden 11 -none- character$observed.A
is the empirical adjacency matrix. Note that this matrix has been modified from the original, as described in the main text.$dw.ab
is a data.frame with four columns and 33 rows.
is the taxonomic name
is the estimated dry weight in grams
is the estimated number of individuals per meter^2^. Note that the abundances of the fish taxa have not already been "corrected" as described in main text.$tm.initial
is an adjacency matrix of inferred interactions using the method described in Gravel et al. 2013, Methods in Ecology and Evolution doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.12103.$niche.forbidden
is a character vector of taxa names which are considered to be niche-forbidden (see main text for details)
Read in scripts which contain useful functions for this example.
# load function scripts
# useful food web functions, modified from Petchey
# functions written for this manuscript
Plot the empirical and initial trait-matching inference adjacency matrices, and caluclate the TSS and AUC:
# observed matrix
Plot.matrix2($observed.A, = 18, point.cex = 1)
title(main = "Observed")
# initial inferred matrix
Plot.matrix2($tm.initial, = 18, point.cex = 1)
title(main = "TM initial")
# calculate AUC and TSS
list(auc = get_auc(observed =$observed.A,
inferred =$tm.initial),
tss = get_tss(observed =$observed.A,
inferred =$tm.initial))
[1] 0.5986068
[1] 0.1972137
As we can see from the plot, the initial inference greatly over predicts the number of links. Likewise, the AUC is 0.59 (e.g. only slightly better than a coin toss), and the TSS is low. In order to improve our inference, we remove "niche forbidden" links using the function rm_niche()
found in Inference_MS_functions.R
. This function requires a vector of taxa names that we want to restrict.
# remove niche forbidden taxa
tm.niche <- rm_niche(inf =$tm.initial,
taxa =$niche.forbidden)
# plot new inference
Plot.matrix2(tm.niche, = 18, point.cex = 1)
title(main = "TM Niche")
# calculate AUC and TSS
list(auc = get_auc(observed =$observed.A,
inferred = tm.niche),
tss = get_tss(observed =$observed.A,
inferred = tm.niche))
[1] 0.7005241
[1] 0.4010482
Now our AUC and TSS are both much higher, indicating a better predicition.
Next, we want to restrict "neutrally forbidden" links based on taxa densities. However, first we need to create a matrix N, where each element Nij is the product of species' i and j relative abundances.
The get_rel_ab()
function in the Inference_MS_functions.R
script calculates relative abundances for each taxa, and then creates a matrix of their crossproducts. The arguments for the function are vec
, which is a vector of numerical abundances, and taxa
, which is a vector of taxa names.
Make sure that the order of the two vectors matches the order of the adjacency matrices!!!
# make sure order of taxa names in dw_ab object match order in adjaceny matrix
# calculate relative abundance matrix, N
N <- get_rel_ab(vec =$dw.ab$no.m2,
taxa =$dw.ab$taxa)
# make sure rownames of N match rownames of observed
#[1] TRUE
#[1] TRUE
Now we need to "correct" fish abundances as described in the main text. We use the f_ab_corr()
function in the Inference_MS_functions.R
# only multiply column names that match the "taxa" vector <- f_ab_corr(Nij = N,
taxa = c("Salmo", "Galaxias", "Anguilla", "Gobiomorphus"),
cf = 1000)
Next we convert values in to a binary matrix by setting values < n' to 0, and values > n' to 1 using the rm_neutral()
function in the Inference_MS_functions.R
script. n' is an arbitrarily defined threshold, below which species are considered to be too rare to be likely to interact (see main text). Here we use the neutral abundance threshold of 3e-4 as in the main text (see analysis script 1 and 1b for details on how we determined this threshold).
Make sure to multiply the right relative abundance matrix!
N.binary <- rm_neutral(Nij =,
threshold = 3.0e-04)
Now we multiply N.binary
by tm.niche
to remove neutrally forbidden links. e.g. only retaining links which appear in both. First, make sure that both matrices are the same dimensions, and have the same rownames
identical(dim(tm.niche), dim(N.binary))
identical(rownames(tm.niche), rownames(N.binary))
# multiply two matrices together
tm.niche.neutral <- tm.niche * N.binary
# plot new inference matrix
Plot.matrix2(tm.niche.neutral, = 18, point.cex = 1)
title(main = "TM niche + neutral")
# caluclate AUC and TSS
list(auc = get_auc(observed =$observed.A,
inferred = tm.niche.neutral),
tss = get_tss(observed =$observed.A,
inferred = tm.niche.neutral))
# [1] TRUE
# [1] TRUE
[1] 0.665685
[1] 0.3313701
In this case the AUC and TSS decrease slightly when restricting links at this neutral abundance threshold. The threshold was selected by averaging the AUC and TSS across all sites. Therefore, if you were trying to maximize predictive power at this site, a slightly different threshold or fish correction factor may need to be used.