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Handle circular references with-in mutable structs
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oxinabox and github-actions[bot] committed Jan 24, 2024
1 parent fe63c33 commit 5fbbe5b
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Showing 3 changed files with 110 additions and 28 deletions.
80 changes: 53 additions & 27 deletions src/tangent_types/abstract_zero.jl
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Expand Up @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ arguments.
struct NoTangent <: AbstractZero end

zero_tangent(primal, _cache=nothing)
This returns an appropriate zero tangent suitable for accumulating tangents of the primal.
For mutable composites types this is a structural [`MutableTangent`](@ref)
Expand All @@ -107,55 +107,77 @@ In general, it is more likely to produce a structural tangent.
`zero_tangent`is an experimental feature, and is part of the mutation support featureset.
While this notice remains it may have changes in behavour, and interface in any _minor_ version of ChainRulesCore.
Exactly how it should be used (e.g. is it forward-mode only?)
The `_cache=nothing` is an internal implementation detail that the user should never need to set.
(It is used to hold references to tangents for that might appear in self-referential structures)
function zero_tangent end

zero_tangent(x::Number) = zero(x)
zero_tangent(x::Number, _cache=nothing) = zero(x)

zero_tangent(::Type) = NoTangent()
zero_tangent(::Type, _cache=nothing) = NoTangent()

function zero_tangent(x::MutableTangent{P}) where {P}
zb = backing(zero_tangent(backing(x)))
function zero_tangent(x::MutableTangent{P}, _cache=nothing) where {P}
zb = backing(zero_tangent(backing(x), _cache))
return MutableTangent{P}(zb)

function zero_tangent(x::Tangent{P}) where {P}
zb = backing(zero_tangent(backing(x)))
function zero_tangent(x::Tangent{P}, _cache=nothing) where {P}
zb = backing(zero_tangent(backing(x), _cache))
return Tangent{P,typeof(zb)}(zb)

@generated function zero_tangent(primal)
@generated function zero_tangent(primal, _cache=nothing)
fieldcount(primal) == 0 && return NoTangent() # no tangent space at all, no need for structural zero.
zfield_exprs = map(fieldnames(primal)) do fname
fval = :(
if isdefined(primal, $(QuoteNode(fname)))
zero_tangent(getfield(primal, $(QuoteNode(fname))))
zero_tangent(getfield(primal, $(QuoteNode(fname))), _cache)
# This is going to be potentially bad, but that's what they get for not giving us a primal
# This will never me mutated inplace, rather it will alway be replaced with an actual value first
Expr(:kw, fname, fval)
return if has_mutable_tangent(primal)
any_mask = map(fieldnames(primal), fieldtypes(primal)) do fname, ftype
# If it is is unassigned, or if it doesn't have a concrete type, let it take any value for its tangent
fdef = :(!isdefined(primal, $(QuoteNode(fname))) || !isconcretetype($ftype))
Expr(:kw, fname, fdef)
# This is a little complex because we need to support-self referential types
# So we need to:
# 1. create the tangent,
# 2. put it in the cache
# 3. Do all the calls to create the zeros for the fields giving them that cache)
# 4. put those zeros into the object
tangent_types = map(guess_zero_tangent_type, fieldtypes(primal))
is_defined_mask = Expr(:tuple, map(fieldnames(primal)) do fname
:(isdefined(primal, $(QuoteNode(fname))))

isnothing(_cache) && (_cache = IdDict())
found_tangent = get(_cache, primal, nothing)
!isnothing(found_tangent) && return found_tangent

# Now we need to put into the cache a placeholder tangent so we can construct our fields using that cache
# then put those fields into the placeholder
tangent = $_MutableTangent(Val{$primal}(), $is_defined_mask, $tangent_types)
_cache[primal] = tangent
map(fieldnames(primal), zfield_exprs) do fname, fval_expr
:(setproperty!(tangent, $(QuoteNode(fname)), $fval_expr))
return tangent
$(Expr(:tuple, Expr(:parameters, any_mask...))),
$(Expr(:tuple, Expr(:parameters, zfield_exprs...))),
:($Tangent{$primal}($(Expr(:parameters, zfield_exprs...))))
:($Tangent{$primal}($(Expr(:parameters, Expr.(:kw, fieldnames(primal), zfield_exprs)...))))

zero_tangent(primal::Tuple) = Tangent{typeof(primal)}(map(zero_tangent, primal)...)
function zero_tangent(primal::Tuple, _cache=nothing)
return Tangent{typeof(primal)}(map(x -> zero_tangent(x, _cache), primal)...)

function zero_tangent(x::Array{P,N}) where {P,N}
function zero_tangent(x::Array{P,N}, _cache=nothing) where {P,N}
if (isbitstype(P) || all(i -> isassigned(x, i), eachindex(x)))
return map(zero_tangent, x)
Expand All @@ -165,16 +187,20 @@ function zero_tangent(x::Array{P,N}) where {P,N}
y = Array{guess_zero_tangent_type(P),N}(undef, size(x)...)
@inbounds for n in eachindex(y)
if isassigned(x, n)
y[n] = zero_tangent(x[n])
y[n] = zero_tangent(x[n], _cache)
return y

# Sad heauristic methods we need because of unassigned values
guess_zero_tangent_type(::Type{T}) where {T<:Number} = T
guess_zero_tangent_type(::Type{T}) where {T<:Integer} = typeof(float(zero(T)))
# Sad heauristic methods
#guess_zero_tangent_type(::Type{T}) where {T<:Number} = T
#guess_zero_tangent_type(::Type{T}) where {T<:Integer} = typeof(float(zero(T)))
function guess_zero_tangent_type(::Type{<:Array{T,N}}) where {T,N}
return Array{guess_zero_tangent_type(T),N}
guess_zero_tangent_type(T::Type) = Any

# The following will fall back to `Any` if it is hard to infer
function guess_zero_tangent_type(::Type{T}) where {T}
return Core.Compiler.return_type(zero_tangent, Tuple{T})
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions src/tangent_types/structural_tangent.jl
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Expand Up @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ struct Tangent{P,T} <: StructuralTangent{P}

function _MutableTangent end
MutableTangent{P}(fields) <: StructuralTangent{P} <: AbstractTangent
Expand All @@ -73,6 +74,23 @@ It itself is also mutable.
struct MutableTangent{P,F} <: StructuralTangent{P}

# Uninitialized constructor
global function _MutableTangent(::Val{P}, is_defined_mask, tangent_types) where {P}
backing_vals = map(is_defined_mask, tangent_types) do is_def, tangent_type
ref = if !is_def
Ref{Union{ZeroTangent, tangent_type}} # allow a Zero which will be used for uninitialized values
return ref() # undefined, but it will be filled later
backing = NamedTuple{fieldnames(P)}(backing_vals)
return new{P, typeof(backing)}(backing)

# TODO: are the following two correct?
# Are they useful?
# The place they are used is just `map`, maybe we should instead just copy types the thing being mapped?
function MutableTangent{P}(
any_mask::NamedTuple{names, <:NTuple{<:Any, Bool}}, fvals::NamedTuple{names}
) where {names, P}
Expand All @@ -88,6 +106,7 @@ struct MutableTangent{P,F} <: StructuralTangent{P}
return new{P, typeof(backing)}(backing)

function MutableTangent{P}(fvals) where P
any_mask = NamedTuple{fieldnames(P)}((!isconcretetype).(fieldtypes(P)))
return MutableTangent{P}(any_mask, fvals)
Expand Down
39 changes: 38 additions & 1 deletion test/tangent_types/abstract_zero.jl
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Expand Up @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ end
@test zero_tangent(MutDemo(1.5)) isa MutableTangent{MutDemo}
@test iszero(zero_tangent(MutDemo(1.5)))

@test zero_tangent((; a=1)) isa Tangent{typeof((; a = 1))}
@test zero_tangent((; a=1.3)) isa Tangent{typeof((; a = 1.3))}
@test zero_tangent(Demo(1.2)) isa Tangent{Demo}
@test zero_tangent(Demo(1.2)).x === 0.0

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -275,4 +275,41 @@ end
@test d.z == [2.0, 3.0]
@test d.z isa SubArray

@testset "cyclic references" begin
mutable struct Link
Link(data) = new(data)

lk = Link(1.5) = lk

d = zero_tangent(lk)
@test == 0.0
@test === d

# The following two cases are broken
# We hope they are not too significant, because in general if you AD step by step they should work
# (as should the one above so maybe we should get rid of this extra complex logic)
# It's only a problem if you first do the multistep build then `zero_tangent` rather than `zero_tangent` at the constructor.

# Idea: check if `!isbitstype` only if so do we need to worry about caching etc
struct CarryingArray
ca = CarryingArray(Any[1.5])
push!(ca.x, ca)
@test_broken d_ca = zero_tangent(ca)
@test_broken d_ca[1] == 0.0
@test_broken d_ca[2] === _ca

# Idea: check if typeof(xs) <: eltype(xs), if so need to cache it before computing
xs = Any[1.5]
push!(xs, xs)
@test_broken d_xs = zero_tangent(xs)
@test_broken d_xs[1] == 0.0
@test_broken d_xs[2] == d_xs

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