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better primitives docs and comments, and some tweaks
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rafaqz committed Dec 26, 2023
1 parent a7286e4 commit dffc52c
Showing 1 changed file with 94 additions and 28 deletions.
122 changes: 94 additions & 28 deletions src/primitives.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,12 +12,49 @@ $CALC_EXTENT_KEYWORD

# This file mainly defines the [`apply`](@ref) function.

## What is `apply`?
`apply` apples some function to every geometry matching the `Target`
GeoInterface trait, in some abitrarily nested object made up of:
- `AbstractArray`s
- `FeatureCollectionTrait` objects
- `FeatureTrait` objects
- `AbstractGeometryTrait` objects
It recussively calls `apply` through these nested
layers until it reaches the `Targret`, where it applies `f`, and stops.
The outer recursive functions then progressively rebuild the object
using GeoInterface objects matchching the original traits.
If `PointTrait` is found but it is not the `Target`, an error is thrown.
This likely means the object contains a different geometry trait to
the target, such as `MultiPoint` when `LineString` was specified.
To handle this possibility it may be necessary to make `Target` a
`Union` of traits found at the same level of nesting, and define methods
of `f` to handle all cases.
Do not make a union accross "levels" of nesting, e.g.
`Union{FeatureTrait,PolygonTrait}`, as `_apply` will just never reach
`PolygonTrait` when all the polgons are wrapped in a `FeatureTrait` object.

apply(f, target::Type{<:AbstractTrait}, obj; kw...)
Reconstruct a geometry or feature using the function `f` on the `target` trait.
Reconstruct a geometry, feature, feature collection or nested vectors of
either using the function `f` on the `target` trait.
`f(target_geom) => x` where `x` also has the `target` trait, or an equivalent.
`f(target_geom) => x` where `x` also has the `target` trait, or a trait that can
be substituted. For example, swapping `PolgonTrait` to `MultiPointTrait` will fail
if the outer object has `MultiPolygonTrait`, but should work if it has `FeatureTrait`.
Objects "shallower" than the target trait are always completely rebuilt, like
a `Vector` of `FeatureCollectionTrait` of `FeatureTrait` when the target
has `PolygonTrait` and is held in the features. But "deeper" opjects may remain
unchanged - such as points and linear rings if the tartet is the same `PolygonTrait`.
The result is an functionally similar geometry with values depending on `f`
Expand All @@ -39,70 +76,89 @@ end
apply(f, ::Type{Target}, geom; kw...) where Target = _apply(f, Target, geom; kw...)

# Call apply again with the trait of `geom`
_apply(f, ::Type{Target}, geom; kw...) where Target =
_apply(f, Target, GI.trait(geom), geom; kw...)
# There is no trait and this is an Array - so just iterate over it calling _apply on the contents
function _apply(f, ::Type{Target}, ::Nothing, A::AbstractArray; threaded=false, kw...) where Target
# For an Array there is nothing else to do but map `_apply` over all values
# _maptasks may run this level threaded if `threaded==true`,
# but deeper `_apply` called in the closure will not be threaded
_maptasks(eachindex(A); threaded) do i
_apply(f, Target, A[i]; kw...)
_apply(f, Target, A[i]; threaded=false, kw...)
# Try to _apply over iterables
# Try to _apply over unknown iterables
_apply(f, ::Type{Target}, ::Nothing, iterable; kw...) where Target =
map(x -> _apply(f, Target, x; kw...), iterable)
# Rewrap feature collections
# Rewrap all FeatureCollectionTrait feature collections as GI.FeatureCollection
function _apply(f, ::Type{Target}, ::GI.FeatureCollectionTrait, fc;, calc_extent=false, threaded=false
) where Target
# Run _apply on all `features` in the feature collection, possibly threaded
features = _maptasks(1:GI.nfeature(fc); threaded) do i
feature = GI.getfeature(fc, i)
_apply(f, Target, feature; crs, calc_extent)::GI.Feature
_apply(f, Target, feature; crs, calc_extent, threaded=false)::GI.Feature
if calc_extent
extent = reduce(features; init=GI.extent(first(features))) do acc, f
Extents.union(acc, Extents.extent(f))
# Calculate the extent of the features
extent = mapreduce(GI.extent, Extents.union, features)
# Return a FeatureCollection with features, crs and caculated extent
return GI.FeatureCollection(features; crs, extent)
# Return a FeatureCollection with features and crs
return GI.FeatureCollection(features; crs)
# Rewrap features
# Rewrap all FeatureTrait features as GI.Feature, keeping the properties
function _apply(f, ::Type{Target}, ::GI.FeatureTrait, feature;, calc_extent=false, threaded=false
) where Target
# Run _apply on the contained geometry
geometry = _apply(f, Target, GI.geometry(feature); crs, calc_extent, threaded)
# Get the feature properties
properties =
geometry = _apply(f, Target, GI.geometry(feature); crs, calc_extent)
if calc_extent
# Calculate the extent of the geometry
extent = GI.extent(geometry)
# Return a new Feature with the new geometry and calculated extent, but the oroginal properties and crs
return GI.Feature(geometry; properties, crs, extent)
# Return a new Feature with the new geometry, but the oroginal properties and crs
return GI.Feature(geometry; properties, crs)
# Reconstruct nested geometries
function _apply(f, ::Type{Target}, trait, geom;, calc_extent=false, threaded=false
)::(GI.geointerface_geomtype(trait)) where Target
# TODO handle zero length...
# Map `_apply` over all sub geometries of `geom`
# to create a new vector of geometries
# TODO handle zero length
geoms = _maptasks(1:GI.ngeom(geom); threaded) do i
_apply(f, Target, GI.getgeom(geom, i); crs, calc_extent)
_apply(f, Target, GI.getgeom(geom, i); crs, calc_extent, threaded=false)
if calc_extent
extent = GI.extent(first(geoms))
for g in geoms
extent = Extents.union(extent, GI.extent(g))
# Calculate the extent of the sub geometries
extent = mapreduce(GI.extent, Extents.union, geoms)
# Return a new geometry of the same trait as `geom`,
# holding tnew `geoms` with `crs` and calcualted extent
return rebuild(geom, geoms; crs, extent)
# Return a new geometryof the same trait as `geom`, holding the new `geoms` with `crs`
return rebuild(geom, geoms; crs)
# Apply f to the target geometry
_apply(f, ::Type{Target}, ::Trait, geom;, kw...) where {Target,Trait<:Target} = f(geom)
# Fail if we hit PointTrait without running `f`
# Fail loudly if we hit PointTrait without running `f`
# (after PointTrait there is no further to dig with `_apply`)
_apply(f, ::Type{Target}, trait::GI.PointTrait, geom; crs=nothing, kw...) where Target =
throw(ArgumentError("target $Target not found, but reached a `PointTrait` leaf"))
# Specific cases to avoid method ambiguity
# Finally, these short methods are the main purpse of `apply`.
# The Trait is a subtype of the Target (or identical to it)
# So the Target is found. We apply `f` to it and return it to previous
# _apply calls to be wrapped with the outer geometries/feature/featurecollection/array.
_apply(f, ::Type{Target}, ::Trait, geom;, kw...) where {Target,Trait<:Target} = f(geom)
# Define some specific cases of this match to avoid method ambiguity
_apply(f, ::Type{GI.PointTrait}, trait::GI.PointTrait, geom; kw...) = f(geom)
_apply(f, ::Type{GI.FeatureTrait}, ::GI.FeatureTrait, feature; kw...) = f(feature)
_apply(f, ::Type{GI.FeatureCollectionTrait}, ::GI.FeatureCollectionTrait, fc; kw...) = f(fc)
Expand All @@ -111,7 +167,7 @@ _apply(f, ::Type{GI.FeatureCollectionTrait}, ::GI.FeatureCollectionTrait, fc; kw
unwrap(target::Type{<:AbstractTrait}, obj)
unwrap(f, target::Type{<:AbstractTrait}, obj)
Unwrap the geometry to vectors, down to the target trait.
Unwrap the object newst to vectors, down to the target trait.
If `f` is passed in it will be applied to the target geometries
as they are found.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,10 +195,14 @@ unwrap(f, target::Type{GI.FeatureTrait}, ::GI.FeatureTrait, feature) = f(feature
unwrap(f, target::Type{GI.FeatureCollectionTrait}, ::GI.FeatureCollectionTrait, fc) = f(fc)

flatten(target::Type{<:GI.AbstractTrait}, geom)
flatten(target::Type{<:GI.AbstractTrait}, obj)
flatten(f, target::Type{<:GI.AbstractTrait}, obj)
Lazily flatten any geometry, feature or iterator of geometries or features
so that objects with the specified trait are returned by the iterator.
Lazily flatten any `AbstractArray`, iterator, `FeatureCollectionTrait`,
`FeatureTrait` or `AbstractGeometryTrait` object `obj`, so that objects
with the `target` trait are returned by the iterator.
If `f` is passed in it will be applied to the target geometries.
flatten(::Type{Target}, geom) where {Target<:GI.AbstractTrait} = flatten(identity, Target, geom)
flatten(f, ::Type{Target}, geom) where {Target<:GI.AbstractTrait} = _flatten(f, Target, geom)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -181,7 +241,10 @@ All objects in `components` must have the same `GeoInterface.trait`.
Ususally used in combination with `flatten`.
reconstruct(geom, components) = first(_reconstruct(geom, components))
function reconstruct(geom, components)
obj, iter = _reconstruct(geom, components)
return obj

_reconstruct(geom, components) =
_reconstruct(typeof(GI.trait(first(components))), geom, components, 1)
Expand All @@ -190,6 +253,7 @@ _reconstruct(::Type{Target}, geom, components, iter) where Target =
# Try to reconstruct over iterables
function _reconstruct(::Type{Target}, ::Nothing, iterable, components, iter) where Target
vect = map(iterable) do x
# iter is updated by _reconstruct here
obj, iter = _reconstruct(Target, x, components, iter)
Expand All @@ -198,6 +262,7 @@ end
# Reconstruct feature collections
function _reconstruct(::Type{Target}, ::GI.FeatureCollectionTrait, fc, components, iter) where Target
features = map(GI.getfeature(fc)) do feature
# iter is updated by _reconstruct here
newfeature, iter = _reconstruct(Target, feature, components, iter)
Expand All @@ -209,6 +274,7 @@ function _reconstruct(::Type{Target}, ::GI.FeatureTrait, feature, components, it
function _reconstruct(::Type{Target}, trait, geom, components, iter) where Target
geoms = map(GI.getgeom(geom)) do subgeom
# iter is updated by _reconstruct here
subgeom1, iter = _reconstruct(Target, GI.trait(subgeom), subgeom, components, iter)
Expand All @@ -234,7 +300,7 @@ const BasicsGeoms = Union{GB.AbstractGeometry,GB.AbstractFace,GB.AbstractPoint,G
Rebuild a geometry from child geometries.
By default geometries will be rebuilt as a GeoInterface.Wrappers
By default geometries will be rebuilt as a `GeoInterface.Wrappers`
geometry, but `rebuild` can have methods added to it to dispatch
on geometries from other packages and specify how to rebuild them.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -286,7 +352,7 @@ function _maptasks(f, taskrange; threaded=false)

# Finally we join the results into a new vector
return reduce(vcat, map(fetch, tasks))
return mapreduce(fetch, vcat, tasks)
return map(f, taskrange)
Expand Down

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