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Support keyword arguments, mostly
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This implements the last solution outlined in #7, and drops keywords
from the call when a recurse happens.
For some reason, it's faster than I remember this approach being.
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christopher-dG committed Oct 10, 2019
1 parent 60de62a commit b7bb2bd
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Showing 5 changed files with 157 additions and 64 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "SimpleMock"
uuid = "a896ed2c-15a5-4479-b61d-a0e88e2a1d25"
authors = ["Chris de Graaf <[email protected]>"]
version = "0.3.2"
version = "0.4.0"

Cassette = "7057c7e9-c182-5462-911a-8362d720325c"
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/SimpleMock.jl
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Expand Up @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ module SimpleMock

using Base: Callable, invokelatest, unwrap_unionall
using Base.Iterators: Pairs
using Core: Builtin, IntrinsicFunction
using Core: Builtin, IntrinsicFunction, kwftype

using Cassette: Cassette, overdub, posthook, prehook, recurse, @context
using Cassette: Cassette, Context, overdub, posthook, prehook, recurse, @context

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126 changes: 93 additions & 33 deletions src/mock_fun.jl
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@@ -1,26 +1,11 @@
@context MockCtx

# TODO: Maybe these should be inlined, but it slows down compilation a lot.

@noinline function Cassette.prehook(ctx::MockCtx{Metadata{true}}, f, args...)
@nospecialize f args
update!(ctx.metadata, prehook, f, args...)

@noinline function Cassette.posthook(ctx::MockCtx{Metadata{true}}, v, f, args...)
@nospecialize v f args
update!(ctx.metadata, posthook, f, args...)

mock(f::Function, args...; filters::Vector{<:Function}=Function[])
mock(f::Function[, ctx::Symbol], args...; filters::Vector{<:Function}=Function[])
Run `f` with specified functions mocked out.
!!! note
Keyword arguments to mocked functions are not supported.
If you call a mocked function with keyword arguments, it will dispatch to the original function.
For more details, see [Cassette#48](
Mocking functions with keyword arguments is only partially supported.
See the "Keyword Arguments" section below for more details.
## Examples
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,8 +56,8 @@ To avoid this, you can use filter functions like so:
f(x, y) = x + y
g(x, y) = f(x, y)
mock((+) => Mock(; side_effect=(a, b) -> 2a + 2b); filters=[max_depth(2)]) do plus
@assert f(1, 2) == 6 # The call depth of + here is 2.
mock((+) => Mock(; side_effect=(a, b) -> 2a + b); filters=[max_depth(2)]) do plus
@assert f(1, 2) == 4 # The call depth of + here is 2.
@assert g(3, 4) == 7 # Here, it's 3.
@assert called_once_with(plus, 1, 2)
Expand All @@ -81,24 +66,75 @@ end
Filter functions take a single argument of type [`Metadata`](@ref).
If any filter rejects, then mocking is not performed.
See [Filter Functions](@ref) for a list of included filters, as well as building blocks for you to create your own.
## Reusing `Context`s
Under the hood, this function creates a new [Cassette `Context`]( on every call by default.
This provides a nice clean mocking environment, but it can be slow to create and call new types and methods over and over.
If you find yourself repeatedly mocking the same set of functions, you can specify a context name to reuse that context like so:
ctx = gensym()
mock(g -> @assert(!called(g)), ctx, get)
# This one is faster, especially when there's a lot going on in your mock blocks.
mock(g -> @assert(!called(g)), ctx, get)
## Keyword Arguments
Mocking of functions with keyword arguments is fully supported when the following conditions are met:
- Filter functions are not used
- The context in use has no previously-mocked functions that are now unmocked
if a filter function rejects and calls a mocked function (instead of its mock), that call will have no keywords.
If you reuse a context that has previously mocked some function, unmocked calls to that function will have no keywords.
For example:
kwfunc(; kwargs...) = nothing
calls_kwfunc(; kwargs...) = kwfunc(; kwargs...)
ctx = gensym()
mock(ctx, calls_kwfunc) do c
calls_kwfunc(; x=1, y=2)
@assert called_once_with(c; x=1, y=2)
mock(ctx, kwfunc) do k
calls_kwfunc(; x=1, y=2) # This will issue a warning.
@assert called_once_with(k; x=1, y=2) # This will fail!
In short, avoid using filters and reusing contexts when mocking functions that accept keywords.
function mock(f::Function, args...; filters::Vector{<:Function}=Function[])
mock(f::Function, args...; filters::Vector{<:Function}=Function[]) =
mock(f, gensym(), args...; filters=filters)

function mock(f::Function, ctx::Symbol, args...; filters::Vector{<:Function}=Function[])
mocks = map(sig2mock, args) # ((f, sig) => mock).
isempty(mocks) && throw(ArgumentError("At least one function must be mocked"))

# Create the new context type if it doesn't already exist.
context_is_new = !isdefined(@__MODULE__, ctx)
context_is_new && make_context(ctx)
Ctx = getfield(@__MODULE__, ctx)

# Implement the overdubs, but only if they aren't already implemented.
has_new_overdub = false
foreach(map(first, mocks)) do k
fun = k[1]
sig = k[2:end]
if !overdub_exists(fun, sig)
make_overdub(fun, sig)
if context_is_new || !overdub_exists(Ctx, fun, sig)
make_overdub(Ctx, fun, sig)
has_new_overdub = true

# Only use `invokelatest` if the Context/overdub implementations are new.
od_args = [MockCtx(; metadata=Metadata(Dict(mocks), filters)), f, map(last, mocks)...]
meta = Metadata(Dict(mocks), filters)
c = context_is_new ? invokelatest(Ctx; metadata=meta) : Ctx(; metadata=meta)
od_args = [c, f, map(last, mocks)...]
return has_new_overdub ? invokelatest(overdub, od_args...) : overdub(od_args...)

Expand All @@ -108,20 +144,37 @@ sig2mock(p::Pair) = (p.first, Vararg{Any}) => p.second
sig2mock(t::Tuple) = t => Mock()
sig2mock(f) = (f, Vararg{Any}) => Mock()

# Create a new context type.
make_context(Ctx::Symbol) = @eval begin
@context $Ctx

# TODO: Maybe these should be inlined, but it slows down compilation a lot.

@noinline function Cassette.prehook(ctx::$Ctx{Metadata{true}}, f, args...)
@nospecialize f args
update!(ctx.metadata, prehook, f, args...)

@noinline function Cassette.posthook(ctx::$Ctx{Metadata{true}}, v, f, args...)
@nospecialize v f args
update!(ctx.metadata, posthook, f, args...)

# Has a given function and signature already been overdubbed?
overdub_exists(::F, sig::Tuple) where F = any(methods(overdub)) do m
function overdub_exists(::Type{Ctx}, ::F, sig::Tuple) where {Ctx <: Context, F}
squashed = foldl(sig; init=[]) do acc, T
if T isa DataType && === :Vararg
append!(acc, repeat([T.parameters[1]], T.parameters[2]))
push!(acc, T)
m.sig === Tuple{typeof(overdub), MockCtx, F, squashed...}
return any(m -> m.sig === Tuple{typeof(overdub), Ctx, F, squashed...}, methods(overdub))

# Implement `overdub` for a given Context, function, and signature.
function make_overdub(f::F, sig::Tuple) where F
function make_overdub(::Type{Ctx}, f::F, sig::Tuple) where {Ctx <: Context, F}
sig_exs = Expr[]
sig_names = []

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,12 +202,19 @@ function make_overdub(f::F, sig::Tuple) where F

@eval @inline function Cassette.overdub(ctx::MockCtx, f::$F, $(sig_exs...))
method = (f, $(sig...))
if should_mock(ctx.metadata, method)
recurse(ctx, f, $(sig_names...))
@eval begin
@inline function Cassette.overdub(ctx::$Ctx, f::$F, $(sig_exs...); kwargs...)
method = (f, $(sig...))
if should_mock(ctx.metadata, method)
ctx.metadata.mocks[method]($(sig_names...); kwargs...)
isempty(kwargs) || @warn "Discarding keyword arguments" f kwargs
recurse(ctx, f, $(sig_names...))

@inline Cassette.overdub(ctx::$Ctx, ::kwftype($F), kwargs, f::$F, $(sig_exs...)) =
overdub(ctx, f, $(sig_names...); kwargs...)
85 changes: 59 additions & 26 deletions test/mock_fun.jl
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@@ -1,29 +1,12 @@
@testset "mock does not overwrite methods" begin
o = JLOptions()
if o.warn_overwrite == 0
args = map(n -> n === :warn_overwrite ? 1 : getfield(o, n), fieldnames(JLOptions))
unsafe_store!(cglobal(:jl_options, JLOptions), JLOptions(args...))
mock(identity, identity)
out = @capture_err mock(identity, identity)
@test isempty(out)

@testset "Reusing Context" begin
f(x) = strip(uppercase(x))
# If the method checks aren't working properly, this will throw.
@test mock(_g -> f(" hi "), strip => identity) == " HI "
@test mock(_g -> f(" hi "), uppercase => identity) == "hi"
const IDENTITY_VA = gensym()

@testset "Basics" begin
mock(identity) do id
mock(IDENTITY_VA, identity) do id
@test called_once_with(id, 10)

mock(identity) do id
mock(IDENTITY_VA, identity) do id
identity(1, 2, 3)
@test called(id)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,12 +41,12 @@ end

@testset "Varargs" begin
varargs(::Int, ::Int, ::String, ::String, ::String, ::Bool...) = true
varargs(args...) = false
varargs(::Any) = false

mock((varargs, Vararg{Int, 2}, Vararg{String, 3}, Vararg{Bool})) do va
@test varargs(0, 0, "", "", "") !== true
@test varargs(0, 0, "", "", "", false, false) !== true
@test !varargs()
@test !varargs(0)
@test ncalls(va) == 2
@test has_calls(va, Call(0, 0, "", "", ""), Call(0, 0, "", "", "", false, false))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,20 +79,41 @@ end

@testset "mock does not overwrite methods" begin
o = JLOptions()
if o.warn_overwrite == 0
args = map(n -> n === :warn_overwrite ? 1 : getfield(o, n), fieldnames(JLOptions))
unsafe_store!(cglobal(:jl_options, JLOptions), JLOptions(args...))
ctx = gensym()
mock(identity, ctx, identity)
out = @capture_err mock(identity, ctx, identity)
@test isempty(out)

@testset "Reusing Context" begin
f(x) = strip(uppercase(x))
# If the method checks aren't working properly, this will throw.
ctx = gensym()
@test mock(_f -> f(" hi "), ctx, strip => identity) == " HI "
@test mock(_f -> f(" hi "), ctx, uppercase => identity) == "hi"

@testset "Filters" begin
@testset "Maximum/minimum depth" begin
f(x) = identity(x)
g(x) = f(x)
h(x) = g(x)

mock(identity; filters=[max_depth(3)]) do id
mock(IDENTITY_VA, identity; filters=[max_depth(3)]) do id
@test f(1) != 1
@test g(2) != 2
@test h(3) == 3
@test ncalls(id) == 2 && has_calls(id, Call(1), Call(2))

mock(identity; filters=[min_depth(3)]) do id
mock(IDENTITY_VA, identity; filters=[min_depth(3)]) do id
@test f(1) == 1
@test g(2) != 2
@test h(3) != 3
Expand All @@ -125,18 +129,47 @@ end
c(x) = identity(x)
d(x) = identity(x)

mock(identity; filters=[excluding(Bar, c)]) do id
mock(IDENTITY_VA, identity; filters=[excluding(Bar, c)]) do id
@test Bar.a(1) == 1
@test Bar.b(2) == 2
@test c(3) == 3
@test d(4) != 4

mock(identity; filters=[including(Bar, c)]) do id
mock(IDENTITY_VA, identity; filters=[including(Bar, c)]) do id
@test Bar.a(1) != 1
@test Bar.b(2) != 2
@test c(3) != 3
@test d(4) == 4

@testset "Keyword arguments" begin
foo(; kwargs...) = get(kwargs, :foo, nothing)
bar(; kwargs...) = foo(; kwargs...)
baz(; kwargs...) = bar(; kwargs...)

@testset "Keyword arguments are passed to mocked functions" begin
mock(foo) do f
@test bar(; foo=:bar) !== :bar
@test called_once_with(f; foo=:bar)

@testset "Keyword arguments are discarded when recursing" begin
ctx = gensym()

mock(ctx, bar; filters=[including()]) do _b
@test_logs (:warn, "Discarding keyword arguments") baz(; foo=:baz)
@test @suppress baz(; foo=:baz) === nothing

mock(ctx, foo) do f
@test_logs (:warn, "Discarding keyword arguments") baz(; foo=:baz)
result = @suppress baz(; foo=:baz)
@test result !== nothing && result !== :baz
@test ncalls(f) == 2 && has_calls(f, Call(), Call())
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions test/runtests.jl
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@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
using Base: JLOptions

using Test: @test, @testset, @test_throws
using Test: @test, @testset, @test_logs, @test_throws

using Suppressor: @capture_err
using Suppressor: @capture_err, @suppress

using SimpleMock

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