Official Jumio Mobile SDK plugin for Flutter
This plugin is compatible with version 4.12.0 of the Jumio SDK iOS and 4.12.1 of the Jumio SDK Android.
If you have questions, please reach out to your Account Manager or contact Jumio Support.
- Compatibility
- Setup
- Integration
- iOS
- Android
- Proguard
- Usage
- Customization
- Configuration
- Callbacks
- Result Objects
- Local Models for ID Verification and Liveness
- Support
Compatibility has been tested with a Flutter version of 3.27.1 and Dart 3.6.0
Create Flutter project and add the Jumio Mobile SDK module to it.
flutter create MyProject
Add the Jumio Mobile SDK as a dependency to your pubspec.yaml
sdk: flutter
jumio_mobile_sdk_flutter: ^4.12.0
And install the dependency:
cd MyProject
flutter pub get
cd ios && pod install
- Add the "NSCameraUsageDescription"-key to your Info.plist file.
- Your app's deployment target must be at least iOS 11.0
Check out the NFC setup guide.
Check out the Digital Identity setup guide.
To include Jumio's Device Risk functionality, you need to add pod Jumio/DeviceRisk
to your Podfile.
Open your AndroidManifest.xml file and change allowBackup
to false.
Make sure your compileSdkVersion, minSdkVersion and buildToolsVersion are high enough.
android {
minSdkVersion 21
compileSdkVersion 33
buildToolsVersion "32.0.0"
Enable MultiDex
Follow the Android developers guide here
android {
defaultConfig {
multiDexEnabled true
Upgrade Gradle build tools
The plugin requires at least version 8.0.0 of the Android build tools. This transitively requires an upgrade of the Gradle wrapper to version 8 and an update to Java 11.
If necessary, upgrade your build tools version to 8.2.2 in android/build.gradle
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath ''
If necessary, modify the Gradle Wrapper version in android/gradle.wrapper/
For information on Android Proguard Rules concerning the Jumio SDK, please refer to our Android guides.
To enable analytic feedback and internal diagnostics, please make sure to include the line
-keep class
to your Proguard Rules.
- Import "jumiomobilesdk.dart"
import 'package:jumio_mobile_sdk_flutter/jumio_mobile_sdk_flutter.dart';
- The SDKs can be initialized with the following call:
Datacenter can either be US, EU or SG.
For more information about how to obtain an AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN
, please refer to our API Guide.
- As soon as the SDK is initialized, the SDK is started by the following call.
Scan results are returned from the startXXX() methods asynchronously. Await the returned values to get the results. Exceptions are thrown issues such as invalid credentials, missing API keys, permissions errors and such.
JumioSDK Android appearance can be customized by overriding the custom theme AppThemeCustomJumio
. An example customization of all values that can be found in the styles.xml of the DemoApp.
JumioSDK iOS appearance can be customized to your respective needs. You can customize each color based on the device's set appearance, for either Dark mode or Light mode, or you can set a single color for both appearances. Customization is optional and not required.
You can pass the following customization options at Jumio.start
Customization key |
facePrimary |
faceSecondary |
faceOutline |
faceAnimationForeground |
iProovFilterForegroundColor |
iProovFilterBackgroundColor |
iProovTitleTextColor |
iProovCloseButtonTintColor |
iProovSurroundColor |
iProovPromptTextColor |
iProovPromptBackgroundColor |
genuinePresenceAssuranceReadyOvalStrokeColor |
genuinePresenceAssuranceNotReadyOvalStrokeColor |
livenessAssuranceOvalStrokeColor |
livenessAssuranceCompletedOvalStrokeColor |
primaryButtonBackground |
primaryButtonBackgroundPressed |
primaryButtonBackgroundDisabled |
primaryButtonForeground |
primaryButtonForegroundPressed |
primaryButtonForegroundDisabled |
primaryButtonOutline |
secondaryButtonBackground |
secondaryButtonBackgroundPressed |
secondaryButtonBackgroundDisabled |
secondaryButtonForeground |
secondaryButtonForegroundPressed |
secondaryButtonForegroundDisabled |
secondaryButtonOutline |
bubbleBackground |
bubbleForeground |
bubbleBackgroundSelected |
bubbleOutline |
loadingCirclePlain |
loadingCircleGradientStart |
loadingCircleGradientEnd |
loadingErrorCircleGradientStart |
loadingErrorCircleGradientEnd |
loadingCircleIcon |
scanOverlay |
scanOverlayBackground |
nfcPassportCover |
nfcPassportPageDark |
nfcPassportPageLight |
nfcPassportForeground |
nfcPhoneCover |
scanViewTooltipForeground |
scanViewTooltipBackground |
scanViewForeground |
scanViewDocumentShutter |
scanViewFaceShutter |
searchBubbleBackground |
searchBubbleForeground |
searchBubbleOutline |
confirmationImageBackground |
confirmationImageBackgroundBorder |
confirmationIndicatorActive |
confirmationIndicatorDefault |
confirmationImageBorder |
background |
navigationIconColor |
textForegroundColor |
primaryColor |
selectionIconForeground |
All colors are provided with a HEX string with the following formats: #ff00ff
or #66ff00ff
if you want to set the alpha level.
Customization example
Example for setting color based on Dark or Light mode
"primaryColor": { light:"ffffff", dark:"000000" }
"primaryButtonBackground": { light:ffffff, dark:"000000" }
Example for setting same color for both Dark and Light mode
"primaryColor": "ffffff"
"primaryButtonBackground": "ffffff"
For more information about how to set specific SDK parameters (callbackUrl, userReference, country, ...), please refer to our API Guide.
In oder to get information about result fields, Retrieval API, Delete API, global settings and more, please read our page with server related information.
JumioSDK will return EventResult
in case of a successfully completed workflow and EventError
in case of error. EventError
includes an error code and an error message.
Parameter | Type | Max. length | Description |
selectedCountry | String | 3 | ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code as provided or selected |
selectedDocumentType | String | 16 | PASSPORT, DRIVER_LICENSE, IDENTITY_CARD or VISA |
selectedDocumentSubType | String | Sub type of the scanned ID | |
idNumber | String | 100 | Identification number of the document |
personalNumber | String | Personal number of the document | |
issuingDate | Date | Date of issue | |
expiryDate | Date | Date of expiry | |
issuingCountry | String | 3 | Country of issue as (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3) country code |
lastName | String | 100 | Last name of the customer |
firstName | String | 100 | First name of the customer |
dob | Date | Date of birth | |
gender | String | 1 | m, f or x |
originatingCountry | String | 3 | Country of origin as (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3) country code |
addressLine | String | 64 | Street name |
city | String | 64 | City |
subdivision | String | 3 | Last three characters of ISO 3166-2:US state code |
postCode | String | 15 | Postal code |
mrzData | MRZ-DATA | MRZ data, see table below | |
optionalData1 | String | 50 | Optional field of MRZ line 1 |
optionalData2 | String | 50 | Optional field of MRZ line 2 |
placeOfBirth | String | 255 | Place of Birth |
Parameter | Type | Max. length | Description |
format | String | 8 | MRP, TD1, TD2, CNIS, MRVA, MRVB or UNKNOWN |
line1 | String | 50 | MRZ line 1 |
line2 | String | 50 | MRZ line 2 |
line3 | String | 50 | MRZ line 3 |
idNumberValid | BOOL | True if ID number check digit is valid, otherwise false | |
dobValid | BOOL | True if date of birth check digit is valid, otherwise false | |
expiryDateValid | BOOL | True if date of expiry check digit is valid or not available, otherwise false | |
personalNumberValid | BOOL | True if personal number check digit is valid or not available, otherwise false | |
compositeValid | BOOL | True if composite check digit is valid, otherwise false |
Our SDK requires several machine learning models to work best. We recommend to download the files and add them to your project without changing their names (the same way you add Localization files). This will save two network requests on runtime to download these files.
You can preload the ML models before initializing the Jumio SDK. To do so set the completion block with JumioMobileSDK.setPreloaderFinishedBlock
and start the preloading with JumioMobileSDK.preloadIfNeeded
You can find the models in the Bundling models in the app section of our integration guide.
You also need to copy those files to the "ios/Assets" folder for Flutter to recognize them.
You can find the models in the Bundling models in the app section of our integration guide.
You need to copy those files to the assets folder of your Android project (Path: "app/src/main/assets/").
If face help animation looks as expected in debug builds, but breaks in release builds, please make sure to include the following rule in your Proguard file:
-keep class androidx.constraintlayout.motion.widget.** { *; }
The Jumio SDK does not support the iOS Simulator. Please run the Jumio SDK only on physical devices.
This happens due to Xcode 13 introducing a new option to their App Store Distribution Options:
"Manage Version and Build Number" (see image below)
If checked, this option changes the version and build number of all content of your app to the overall application version, including third-party frameworks. This option is enabled by default. Please make sure to disable this option when archiving / exporting your application to the App Store. Otherwise, the Jumio SDK version check, which ensures all bundled frameworks are up to date, will fail.
Alternatively, it is also possible to set the key manageAppVersionAndBuildNumber
in the exportOptions.plist to false
If iOS application crashes immediately after launch and without additional information, but works fine for Android, please make sure the following lines have been added to your Podfile
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
if ['iProov', 'DatadogRUM', 'DatadogCore', 'DatadogInternal'].include?
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION'] = 'YES'
If you are working with Xcode 15 and above, please make sure the following lines have been added to your Podfile
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
if ['iProov', 'DatadogRUM', 'DatadogCore', 'DatadogInternal'].include?
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '12.0'
Please refer to iOS guide for more details.
After installing Cocoapods, please localize your iOS application using the languages provided at the following path:
ios -> Pods -> Jumio -> Localization -> xx.lproj
Make sure your podfile
is up to date and that new pod versions are installed properly so your Localizable
files include new strings.
For more information, please refer to our Changelog and Transition Guide.
If country list is empty for the Android release build, please make sure your app has the proper internet permissions. Without a working network connection, countries won't load in and the list will stay empty.
If necessary, please add android.permission.INTERNET
permission to your AndroidManifest.xml
The standard Flutter template will not include this tag automatically, but still allows Internet access during development to enable communication between Flutter tools and a running app. For more information, please refer to the official Flutter documentation.
If you have any questions regarding our implementation guide please contact Jumio Customer Service at [email protected] or The Jumio online helpdesk contains a wealth of information regarding our service including demo videos, product descriptions, FAQs and other things that may help to get you started with Jumio. Check it out at:
The source code and software available on this website (“Software”) is provided by Jumio Corp. or its affiliated group companies (“Jumio”) "as is” and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall Jumio be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including but not limited to procurement of substitute goods or services, loss of use, data, profits, or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this Software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
In any case, your use of this Software is subject to the terms and conditions that apply to your contractual relationship with Jumio. As regards Jumio’s privacy practices, please see our privacy notice available here: Privacy Policy.
The software contains third-party open source software. For more information, please see Android licenses and iOS licenses
This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.
© Jumio Corp. 268 Lambert Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94306