I enjoyed playing with math to come up with this !
This program is about factoring a PQ product where P and Q are both prime numbers. As a result, I got P=128819 and Q=966631 for the product PQ = 124520438789 within 17 seconds (obtained with RSAbrk_v2). RSAbrk_v1 took me almost 13 minutes just to tell me "no factors found" 😅😂😂 (that's probably due to the precision I used).
I'm not a mathematician, but I do love math, so I did this program just for entertainment and it is far from breaking RSA 😂. I plan to come up with an RSAbrk_v3 version where I will use GMP and MPFR to allow factoring larger PQ products (the libraries I used in RSAbrk_v2 and RSAbrk_v1 don't handle very large numbers).