A user friendly interface for sequencing DNA along with tools for sequence manipulation and base pairing analysis.
Features include:
- Sequencer Reverse/Complement converted
- Ability to sequence Loop DNA
- Ability to find strongest base pairing configuration between two strands
Frontend: React JS/Flux Dependancy Management: Webpack Backend:NodeJS/Express/Java
NOTE: Must use Node version 6.9.4 or Node@6 (homebrew)
Future Updates will include:
- Desired DNA melting points for strand components
Go to console and enter "npm run server"
On web browser go to localhost:3000
Questions: Email [email protected]
Literature Cited:
Allawi HT, SantaLucia J Jr. 1997. Thermodynamics and NMR of internal G−T mismatches in DNA. Biochemistry 36:10581–94
Allawi HT, SantaLucia J Jr. 1998. Nearestneighbor thermodynamics of internal AC mismatches in DNA: sequence dependence and pH effects. Biochemistry 37:9435–44
Allawi HT, SantaLucia J Jr. 1998. Nearestneighbor thermodynamics parameters for internal GA mismatches in DNA. Biochemistry 37:2170–79
Allawi HT, SantaLucia J Jr. 1998. Thermodynamics of internal C-T mismatches in DNA. Nucleic Acids Res. 26:2694– 701
Antao VP, Lai SY, Tinoco I Jr. 1991. A thermodynamic study of unusually stable RNA and DNA hairpins. Nucleic Acids Res. 19:5901–5
Antao VP, Tinoco I Jr. 1992. Thermodynamic parameters for loop formation in RNA and DNA hairpin tetraloops.Nucleic Acids Res. 20:819–24
Developed in the NYU DNA Nanotechnology Lab. Contributors: Samuel Mao, Meet Barot