##Goals of Juggle Tracker ###Main Goals
- Track juggling balls
- Count catches
- Calculate siteswaps
- Keep track of which hand balls are in
###Other Goals
- Real time juggling analysis
- Background subtraction
- Ball color calibration
- Works by making circles of regions to get the color of and regions to ignore.
- Click once to set the center of the circle and then click again to set the radius.
- Left clicking means you want to get the colors in the circle.
- Right clicking means to ignore the area in the circle when considering background colors. Primarily used to circle partially covered balls when doing a smart color matching algorithm.
- Types of color selecting algorithms:
- Naive: Uses smallest rectangle possible to capture EVERY point circled. Prone to also picking up backgroud of similar color.
- Smart: Tries to fit the rectangle to include as many circled points as possible and s little background as possible.
- Non-ball props
- Coming up with a good, general algoritm for identifying catches and throws is difficult
- Particularly challenging for 1 throws since their nature doesn't give them the arc of other throws
- Backgrounds with similar colors, which will have to be subtracted, but are currently eroded out
- OpenCV for python (cv2)
- numpy (needed for OpenCV)
- scipy (for k-means clustering done in calibration)
##Demo and Current Status (as ofJuly 23, 2014)
##Authors Kai Smith ([email protected])