Demo code for Ho, Horikawa, Majima, and Kamitani (2022), Inter-individual deep image reconstruction.
- Python 2 or 3 (Python 2 is required for image reconstruction)
- Numpy
- Scipy
- Pandas
- bdpy:
- FastL2LiR:
- fmralign: (jax-ott has to be installed together)
Run the ridge_ncc/
to train the neural code converters for a pair of source and target subjects.
Run the ridge_ncc/
to predict the DNN features from the converted brain activities with the trained neural code converters. Pre-trained DNN feature decoders of the target subjects are necessary to run this script. We used the same methodology in the previous study for DNN feature decoding (Horikawa & Kamitani, 2017, Generic decoding of seen and imagined objects using hierarchical visual features, Nat Commun.). Python code for the DNN feature decoding is available at
We used the same methodology in the previous study for image reconstruction (Deep image reconstruction from human brain activity). Please follow its instruction to setup the environment.
Run the image_reconstruction/
to reconstruct the natural images shown in the original paper.
Run the image_reconstruction/
to reconstruct the artificial images shown in the original paper.
The preprocessed data in h5 format could be downloaded from:
The Raw fMRI data could be downloaded from:
- Yamada K, Miyawaki Y, Kamitani Y. Inter-subject neural code converter for visual image representation. NeuroImage. 2015; 113: 289–297.
- Haxby JV, Guntupalli JS, Connolly AC, Halchenko YO, Conroy BR, Gobbini MI, et al. A Common, High-Dimensional Model of the Representational Space in Human Ventral Temporal Cortex. Neuron. 2011; 72: 404–416.
- Horikawa and Kamitani (2017) Generic decoding of seen and imagined objects using hierarchical visual features. Nature Communications 8:15037.
- Shen, Horikawa, Majima, and Kamitani (2019) Deep image reconstruction from human brain activity. PLOS Computational Biology.
- Bazeille T, Richard H, Janati H, Thirion B. Local Optimal Transport for Functional Brain Template Estimation. Information Processing in Medical Imaging; June 2019; Hong Kong. Springer, Cham; vol 11492. doi: