Easily add prices to images to improve sales over social media platforms such as Facebook.
When selling many items on social media platforms such as Facebook, it can be bothersome to repeatedly type the price for each item in each new post, and a lot of users ignore the text whilst they scroll through your images. To mitigate this, I personally have been using image editing software to manually add the prices to each item image before posting which has greatly increased my conversion ratio and decreased pointless questions and messages asking for prices. However, manually adding these prices for each item is too lengthy a process, especially when I need to create multiple copies for different currencies.
This script allows you to assign a base price for all of your items (referenced as images in a directory), and automatically add the price tag to each image (as a copy). You can change the scale factor and run the script again to create another copy in a different currency, for example. It is extremely customisable, allowing you change the display settings for the price tag among other things.
I created this specifically for myself as I was selling over 1000 items at a time, and manual editing of these images (especially for multiple currencies) was very time consuming. I don't expect it to be used by many, but I leave it here in case it is. It was fun to work with some of the image packages in Python anyway :) .
This must be run as an iPython notebook.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
You must have Jupyter notebooks installed
You must also enable widgets (for the progress bar):
jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix widgetsnbextension
Then clone the repository (or simply copy the core.ipynb
git clone https://github.com/KeirSimmons/ItemImagePricer.git
Run the notebook
jupyter notebook core.ipynb --NotebookApp.iopub_data_rate_limit=1000000000
(data limit command is necessary due to high data flow for large image repositories)
Option 1: Run with default configuration:
Cell -> Run All
Option 2: ADVANCED: Modify configuration:
See the __init__
method of class ProcessItems
This was made as a small 1 day code project to speed up my own sales over Facebook, but I have released it here in case others can benefit from my efforts. Feel free to improve upon the codebase or add features, and submit a pull request!
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details