A simple Java command-line utility to mirror the NVD (CPE/CVE JSON) data from NIST.
The intended purpose of nist-data-mirror is to be able to replicate the NIST vulnerabiity data inside a company firewall so that local (faster) access to NIST data can be achieved.
nist-data-mirror does not rely on any third-party dependencies, only the Java SE core libraries. It can be used in combination with [OWASP Dependency-Check] in order to provide Dependency-Check a mirrored copy of NIST data.
For best results, use nist-data-mirror with cron or another scheduler to keep the mirrored data fresh.
mvn clean package
java -jar nist-data-mirror.jar <mirror-directory>
To use a proxy provide http.proxyHost / http.proxyPort system properties.
If you do not wish to download sources and compile yourself, [pre-compiled binaries] are available for use. NIST Data Mirror is also available on the Maven Central Repository.
A Dockerfile is included, and the image is available on Docker Hub as sspringett/nvdmirror. This was created to assist in debugging other issues. While the image does create an httpd instance that mirrors the NVD CVE data feeds - note that it also creates a backup for all changed files and there is currently no automatic cleanup.
$ mvn clean package
$ docker build --rm -t sspringett/nvdmirror .
$ mkdir target/docs
$ docker run -dit \
--name mirror \
-p 80:80 \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/target/docs/,target=/usr/local/apache2/htdocs \
The httpd server will take a minute to spin up as it is mirroring the initial NVD files.
To use a proxy during build time provide the http_proxy
, https_proxy
and no_proxy
environment variables as build arguments (e.g. --build-arg http_proxy="${http_proxy}"
For the runtime you can pass the http.proxyHost
and http.proxyPort
values in _JAVA_OPTIONS
For example.
_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Dhttps.proxyHost=yourproxyhost.domain -Dhttps.proxyPort=3128 -Dhttp.proxyHost=yourproxyhost.domain
-Dhttp.proxyPort=3128 -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts="localhost|*.domain"
The image is designed to be executed as a random non-root user and can be deployed on container orchestration platforms such as Kubernetes and OpenShift.
nist-data-mirror is Copyright (c) Steve Springett. All Rights Reserved.
Dependency-Check is Copyright (c) Jeremy Long. All Rights Reserved.
Permission to modify and redistribute is granted under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See the [LICENSE] [Apache 2.0] file for the full license.