Vector Data Ecosystem Analysis with ArcGIS on Berlin-Cottbus Spree region.
title: "Ecosystem Analysis Vector Data Berlin-Cottbus Spree region"
author: "Konlavach"
date: "2/23/2021"
Data source: German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodes public data for Germany (GeoDataCentre)
Administrative borders: VG250 Germany
Land use model: DLM250
Layer -> Add Data -> Select "German county polygons: vg250_kr.shp"
Legend -> Properties
- Open attribute table
- Choose counties: SpreeNeiße, OberspreewaldLausitz, DahmeSpreewald, OderSpree, Cottbus
- Brandenbur counties regional key = 12xxx
- Select
ArcToolBox -> Data Management -> Features -> Copy Feature
Properties -> Symbology -> Standard symbols -> Categories -> unique values
Geoprocessing -> Dissolve
Layer -> Add Data -> files.shp -> crs WGS84
Geoprocessing -> Clip
Dissolved layer -> Open Attribute Table -> Add Field -> Floating point value -> Calculate Geometry
Counties layer -> Open Attribute Table -> Add Filed -> Floating point value -> Calculate Geometry
Calculate percentage land cover
ArcGIS = Selection operation
QGIS = Dissolve operation
Water Protection layer -> Open Attribute Table -> Add Filed -> Floating point value -> Calculate Geometry
Statistics -> Each counties
1) Geoprocessing -> Intersect
2) ArcToolBox -> Analysis Tools -> Overlay -> Intersect
1) Land cover layer -> open attribute table -> Selection -> Select by Attribute
"CODE_06" ='311' OR "CODE_06" = '312' OR "CODE_06" = '313'
"CODE_06" LIKE '31%'"
ArcToolBox -> Data Management -> Features -> Copy Feature
ArcToolBox -> Analysis Tools -> Extract -> Select
3) Dissolve
Geoprocessing -> Dissolve
1) Buffer
Geoprocessing -> Buffer
ArcToolBox -> Analysis Tools -> Proximity -> Buffer
2) input
Linear unit: 500 Meters
Side Tpye: FULL
End Type: ROUND
Method: PLANAR
Dissolve Type:ALL
1) Union
Geoprocessing -> Union
ArcToolBox -> Analysis Tools -> Overlay -> Union
2) Dissolve
Geoprocessing -> Dissolve
ArcToolBox -> Data Management -> Generalization -> Dissolve
Geoprocessing -> Intersect