Application to showcase the Video Widget APIs
Application to showcase the Video Widget APIs
This application will showcase the following features of the Kony Video Widget.
- The Video Widget helps to play the video files captured using the device's camera, videos from the app resources, and from the servers/websites by streaming data within a form.
- Using kony native API's one can access the Play, Pause and volume functionality and visibility of the video.
Limitations of video widget on iOS:
- The Application requires XCODE, 7.3 or greater.
- While building the app in XCODE, for the KRelease target , edit the scheme and ensure that the Build Configuration is set to Release.
- To run the app on iOS simulator do the this change. Navigate to the folder "native binding" as VMAppWithKonylib -> gen -> native binding. In the file mastersConf.conf change the value of “targetType” from “device" to “simulator". Run
To run this application:
- Download the project zip file.
- Extract the project to any folder, zip the main project file and import into the visualizer.
- Launch Kony Visualizer Enterprise version 7.3.
- Import the project by selecting the
- Build & run the app for android.
Supported platforms:
- Android.
- iPhone.