A utility bot telegram made with Deno and Typescript for linux amd64x arch..
- Make sure you have installed Deno runtime you can do it here:
- Git clone this repo and then change the following values in .env-renamethis
BOT_TOKEN = "yourtokenapihere"
then rename .env-renamethis to .env
- Run the following command on same repo folder:
deno run --allow-all --unstable-cron ./main.ts (or .\main.ts on windows)
To run create a "ez" container just run the following replacing:
docker run -e BOT_TOKEN='yourtelegrambottoken' -e STARTING_DAY='putYourServerStartingDate'--name 'putthecontainernamehere' foxxylover/permatecbot:'selectatag'
- --name: Set container name to reference to it in docker CLI
- BOT_TOKEN: Put your telegram API token with @botfather
- STARTING_DAY: Date has to be in format "2024-06-23" (YYYY-MM-DD)
- selecttag: Select an available tag from docker hub, you can see it here: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/foxxylover/permatecbot/general (e.g: ':v1', ':v2-deno')
Note: Starting day is just to have a starting point and manages publications date for every difficult change to announce. For difficults announces you can see:
https://permadeath.fandom.com/es/wiki/Cambios_de_dificultad (Spanish)