Simulation of "Zoobs", a make believe creature. This project was for me and my partners Evolution v.s. The Bible class where instead of writing a final paper, we chose to create this rudmentary simulation of how evolution over generations occurs, based on the survivability of the creatues and their passing down of genes that made them more viable to survive, in the environment we provided them with. Me and my partner planned to work on it more but never got around to it, hence the over use of comments to help us understand each step of the simulation, and possible future ideas for the project.
Simulation Explanation: Zoobs go through a life cycle of finding food, possibly fighting with another Zoob creature, and reproducing with a chance of successfull reproduction. All factors and outcomes are determined by the Zoob's personal traits such as vision, size, etc. These traits, combined with the environment variables determine how the simualtion plays out.
Run: Run the simulation just by changing whatever environment/Zoob variables you desire in the code, and run