Logo for window was taken from UI icons from Dragon Icons
For interface used library dearpygui
Guide languages Russian English
The program creates mods for launcher MOR. Enter the group, open the dialogue and press "Скачать MOR".
Now download the program, press code -> "download zip", unpack this.
Now you need to download python.
- Don't forget to enable Add python.exe to PATH flag
- If there is Disable path length limit in the end of installation, press this button.
- To start the program use start.bat
- After start program you will see 2 open tabs "add modifications" and "Change the configuration of the mods"
- You can add modification in the tab with similar name.
- For this input skin and mod name in the fields. If you need the style, enable the flag and input the number of style in the field.
- There is a table below. Choose the modification in Drop-down list. You can see modification information in the table
- In the tab "Configuration of the modifications" you can correct faults.
- Choose mod name in drop-down list, than items. Write right names in the field to the right from drop-down lists.
- You can also save mod configuration. For this open "Files" -> "Save configuration of modifications"/"Load configuration of modifications"
- To show closed tabs use "Tabs".
- You can also save tabs place and size "Tabs" -> "Save tabs configuration".
- If you need to change dota path or language, use "Files -> "Settings"