A personal project I use to ease budgetting between me and my wife.
We have multiple accounts where we add money to each month in a ratio reflecting our income.
There is also a fixed expenses account (rent, utilities etc) we split monthly on a per payment bases (this is where split
comes into play)/
My last usecase is a contra-account for an non Bunq savings account. We receive a request to add money to this subaccount and then weekly this
account balance is forwarded to the external saving account with the forward command.
All destinations can be specified with an email, phonenumber or an IBAN:
--get [email protected] 20
--get +31611223344 20
--get "NL43BUNQ1122334455,T User" 20
Use the --help
parameters to view the help for commands like so:
# buaut --help
Usage: buaut [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
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Buaut are several Bunq automations in a convenient CLI tool.
Enable autocomplete for Bash (.bashrc): eval "$(_BUAUT_COMPLETE=source
Enable autocomplete for ZSH (.zshrc): eval "$(_BUAUT_COMPLETE=source_zsh
--iban TEXT Enter IBAN where to run a function. Can be set as
environment variable BUAUT_IBAN [required]
--api-key TEXT Provide the api token for the Bunq API. Can be set as
environment variable BUAUT_API_KEY [required]
--sandbox Pass when testing against the Bunq sandbox. Can be set
as environment variable BUAUT_SANDBOX
--currency TEXT Currency for the requests in an ISO 4217 formatted
currency code. [default: EUR]
--context-path PATH File path to save the ApiContext to, must be kept and
re-used to avoid problems [default: buaut.json]
--version Show the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.
forward Forward payments to other IBAN
request Request on or more user for one or more amount
split Split payments to certain users works from newest to oldest
The CLI is built with Click and the docs apply to this: https://click.palletsprojects.com/en/8.1.x/options/#values-from-environment-variables
These variables are available to set as an environment variable
BUAUT_GET="[email protected] 20% [email protected] 80%"
buaut --iban NL98BUNQ1122337744 request --get [email protected] "16.50" --get [email protected] "64" --description "Request amount"
buaut --iban NL98BUNQ1122337744 request --get [email protected] "20%" --get [email protected] "80%" --total "100" --description "Split total by percentage"
buaut --iban NL98BUNQ1122337744 forward --destination "NL43BUNQ1122334455,T User"
buaut --iban NL98BUNQ1122337744 split --period monthly --get [email protected] "20%" --get [email protected] "80%"
Needed since /dev/shm ins't mounted as exec pyinstaller/pyinstaller#4548
docker run -t --tmpfs /tmp:exec lansible:buaut