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examples of the lasy beam propagation including resampling of the bea…
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…m while focusing it; focused beam is also propagated in fbpic, both beams are compared
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NadezhdaKHACHAT committed Oct 26, 2023
1 parent 8415735 commit d01b6cb
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103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions lasy/examples/
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import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import c, e, m_e, m_p, k
# Import the relevant structures from fbpic
from fbpic.main import Simulation
from fbpic.lpa_utils.laser import add_laser, add_laser_pulse
from fbpic.lpa_utils.laser.laser_profiles import FlattenedGaussianLaser, GaussianLaser
from fbpic.openpmd_diag import FieldDiagnostic, ParticleDiagnostic, \
set_periodic_checkpoint, restart_from_checkpoint, BoostedFieldDiagnostic, BoostedParticleDiagnostic
from fbpic.lpa_utils.boosted_frame import BoostConverter
from fbpic.lpa_utils.laser import add_laser_pulse, FromLasyFileLaser

import os
from mpi4py.MPI import COMM_WORLD as comm

# Whether to use the GPU
use_cuda = True

# The simulation box
Nz = 6000 #4000 #3200 # Number of gridpoints along z
zmax = 0.e-6 # Right end of the simulation box (meters)
#equal to the size of LASY box for the laser to be centered
zmin = -2*90.e-15*c # Left end of the simulation box (meters)
Nr = 500 #405 #270 # Number of gridpoints along r
rmax = 200.e-6 # Length of the box along r (meters)
Nm = 2 # Number of modes used
# Boost factor
gamma_boost = 5.
# Maximum simulation length
Lmax = 5.e-3 #LASY propagation distance of a pulse
# The simulation timestep
dt = min( rmax/(2*gamma_boost*Nr), (zmax-zmin)/Nz/c ) # Timestep (seconds)

n_order = 16

boost = BoostConverter(gamma_boost)

# The moving window
v_window = c

# Velocity of the Galilean frame (for suppression of the NCI)
v_comoving = -np.sqrt(gamma_boost**2-1.)/gamma_boost * c

# The diagnostics
diag_period = 500 # Period of the diagnostics in number of timesteps

# Whether to write the fields in the lab frame
Ntot_snapshot_lab = 40
dt_snapshot_lab = (Lmax) / v_window / (Ntot_snapshot_lab - 1)

track_bunch = False # Whether to tag and track the particles of the bunch

# The interaction length of the simulation (meters)
L_interact = Lmax # the plasma length
# Interaction time (seconds) (to calculate number of PIC iterations)
T_interact = boost.interaction_time( L_interact, (zmax-zmin), v_window )
# (i.e. the time it takes for the moving window to slide across the plasma)

#take the first file
PathToTheLasyFile = './DiagLASYforFBPIC/laser00000001_00001.h5'
laser_profile = FromLasyFileLaser(PathToTheLasyFile)

# ---------------------------
# Carrying out the simulation
# ---------------------------

if __name__ == '__main__':

# Initialize the simulation object
sim = Simulation( Nz, zmax, Nr, rmax, Nm, dt,
zmin=zmin, boundaries={'z':'open', 'r':'open'}, initialize_ions=False,
n_order=n_order, use_cuda=use_cuda, v_comoving=v_comoving,
gamma_boost=gamma_boost, verbose_level=2, particle_shape='cubic',
# By default the simulation initializes an electron species (sim.ptcl[0])
# Because we did not pass the arguments `n`, `p_nz`, `p_nr`, `p_nz`,
# this electron species does not contain any macroparticles.
# It is okay to just remove it from the list of species.
sim.ptcl = []

add_laser_pulse( sim, laser_profile, gamma_boost=gamma_boost,
method='antenna', z0_antenna=0.e-6, v_antenna=0.)
# Convert parameter to boosted frame
v_window, = boost.velocity( [ v_window ] )
# Configure the moving window
sim.set_moving_window( v=v_window )

# Add a diagnostics
write_dir = 'DiagsFBPIC'
sim.diags = [
BoostedFieldDiagnostic( zmin, zmax, c,
dt_snapshot_lab, Ntot_snapshot_lab, gamma_boost,
period=diag_period, fldobject=sim.fld, comm=sim.comm,
fieldtypes=["E", "B", "rho"], write_dir=write_dir)

N_step = int(T_interact/sim.dt)
### Run the simulation
sim.step( N_step )
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# Lasy Imports
from lasy.profiles.gaussian_profile import GaussianProfile
from lasy.laser import Laser, Grid
from lasy.utils.zernike import zernike

# OpenPMD Viewer (add-on for plasma acceleration)
from openpmd_viewer.addons.pic import LpaDiagnostics

# Standard Imports
from scipy.constants import c
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import copy
import os, shutil

def add_parabola(laser, f0):
dt = laser.grid.dx[-1]
omega0 = laser.profile.omega0
Nt = laser.grid.field.shape[-1]
omega = 2 * np.pi * np.fft.fftfreq(Nt, dt) + omega0

#on-axis parabola

r = laser.grid.axes[0]
#transform the field from temporal to frequency domain
field_fft = np.fft.ifft(laser.grid.field, axis=-1, norm="backward")

#multiply spectral image by a parabolic mirror phase
field_fft *= mirror_parabolic(f0, omega/c, r).T

#rewrite laser field
laser.grid.field[:, :, :] = np.fft.fft(field_fft, axis=-1, norm="backward"

def mirror_parabolic(f0, kz, r):
Generate array with spectra-radial phase
representing the on-axis Parabolic Mirror
f0: focal length of a parabolic mirror
kz = omega/c
r: radial axis

s_ax = r**2/4/f0

val = np.exp( -2j * s_ax[None,:] * \
( kz * np.ones((*kz.shape, *r.shape)).T ).T)
return val

#laser parameters

#laser wavelength (m)
wavelength = 800*1.e-9
#polarization vector
pol = (1, 0)
#laser energy (J)
laser_energy = 1
#laser waist (m)
w0 = 20.e-3
#pulse duration (s)
tau = 30e-15
#maximum intensity time
t_peak = 0

pulseProfile = GaussianProfile(wavelength, pol, laser_energy, w0, tau, t_peak, z_foc=0.e-3)

# Create initial grid for the pulse
Nr = 3000
R_max = 60.e-3

dim = "rt"
lo = (0e-6, -90e-15)
hi = (R_max, 90e-15)

npoints = (Nr, 500)

laser = Laser(dim=dim, lo=lo, hi=hi, npoints=npoints, profile=pulseProfile)

#add sperical abberations
R = np.linspace(0, R_max, Nr)
#(n, m) = (2, 0)
jthree = 4
#(n, m) = (5, 0)
jfive = 12

pupilRadius = 4 * w0
pupilCoord = (0, 0, pupilRadius)

third = zernike(0, R, pupilCoord, jthree)
fifth = zernike(0, R, pupilCoord, jfive)

coeff1 = -0.1 #defocus
coeff2 = 0.9 #primary spherical

phase = coeff1*third + coeff2*fifth

phase2D = np.repeat(phase[:, np.newaxis], npoints[1], axis=1)
laser.grid.field = laser.grid.field * np.exp(1j * phase2D)

#propagate to OAP

#add parabolic mirror
add_parabola(laser, 2000.e-3)

#define a new grid for a focused beam
new_grid = Grid(dim, lo, (200.e-6, 90e-15), npoints, n_azimuthal_modes=laser.grid.n_azimuthal_modes)
laser.propagate((1995.e-3), grid=new_grid, nr_boundary = 128, backend = 'NP') #resample the grid

laser_fbpic = copy.deepcopy(laser)

#propagate laser by a box size to align LASY and FBPIC
#laser pulse in FBPIC is emitted first and then propagated
#in FBPIC laser is emitted by antenna and consequently it is fully iniallized after a full box size
#initiallised laser should be at the same position as in LASY after propagation over one box
!rm -rf './DiagLASYforFBPIC'
path = './DiagLASYforFBPIC'

file_format ='h5'
filename = "laser%08d"%1
laser_fbpic.write_to_file(0, 1995.e-3 , filename, file_format)


#propagating in a small grid to a focal point, step after step
propDist = 1995.e-3

N = 40
prop_dz = (5.e-3)/(N-1)

!rm -rf './DiagsLASY'
path = './DiagsLASY'

file_format ='h5'
filename = "laser%08d"%0
laser.write_to_file(0, propDist, filename, file_format) #writing propagation from 0 to 1995e-3

#write a file for separate iteration
for j in range(N-1):
propDist += prop_dz

i = j+1
file_format ='h5'
filename = "laser%08d"%i
currentit = i
laser.write_to_file(currentit, propDist, filename, file_format)

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#Analyse LASYvsFBPIC
#compares propagation of two laser beams

# OpenPmd (for reading information from file)
from openpmd_viewer.addons.pic import LpaDiagnostics
#from openpmd_viewer.addons import LpaDiagnostics # OpenPMD Viewer (add-on for plasma acceleration)

# Standard Imports
from scipy.constants import c
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import copy
import mpl_style

#data corresponding to FBPIC laser
path_fbpic = './DiagsFBPICtwo/hdf5'
data_fbpic = LpaDiagnostics(path_fbpic, check_all_files=True, backend="h5py")

#all of the values correspond to the intensity
num_iteration = 40

laser_fbpic, info_fbpic = data_fbpic.get_laser_envelope(iteration = 1 ,pol = 'x',slice_across='z', plot=False)

#create an array containing propagation of the laser waist (intensity)
array2d_fbpic = np.zeros((laser_fbpic.shape[0], num_iteration))

for iteration in range(num_iteration):
laser_fbpic, info_fbpic = data_fbpic.get_laser_envelope(iteration = iteration ,pol = 'x', slice_across='z', plot=False)
array2d_fbpic[:, iteration] = np.abs(laser_fbpic)**2

#plt.imshow(array2d_fbpic[:,:], extent=[1995, 2000, 0, 200], aspect='auto')
#plt.xlabel('$z$ (mm)')
#plt.ylabel('$r$ (µm)')

#data corresponding to the LASY laser
path = './DiagLASY'
data_lasy = LpaDiagnostics(path, check_all_files=True, backend="h5py")

#lasy field has a shape of (6000, 40), to compare it with fbpic we need to reduce it to (1000, 40), manually pick #out appropriate entries for lasy (to avoid duplication of entries)
def rewrite_lasy(laser_field, info_lasy, info_fbpic):
array_half_size = info_lasy.r.size//2 #size of the lasy array
divide_factor = info_lasy.r.size // info_fbpic.r.size #match sizes of lasy and fbpic

r_second_half = info_lasy.r[array_half_size:][::divide_factor]
r_first_half = info_lasy.r[::-1][array_half_size:][::divide_factor][::-1]
r_new = np.concatenate([r_first_half,r_second_half])

field_second_half = laser_field[array_half_size:][::divide_factor]
field_first_half = laser_field[::-1][array_half_size:][::divide_factor][::-1]
field_new = np.concatenate([field_first_half,field_second_half])

#create a lasy field array of appropriate size
lasy_iterations = []
for iteration in range(0, num_iteration):
laser_fbpic, info_fbpic = data_fbpic.get_laser_envelope(iteration = iteration ,pol = 'x', slice_across='z', plot=False)
laser_field,laser_field_info = data_lasy.get_field(iteration = iteration ,field='laserEnvelope', slice_across='t', plot=False)
#write a separate laser field for each iteration
laser_lasy = rewrite_lasy(laser_field, laser_field_info, info_fbpic)

#propagation of the LASY laser waist
array2d_lasy = np.zeros((lasy_iterations[0].shape[0], num_iteration))

for iteration in range(num_iteration):
array2d_lasy[:, iteration] = np.abs(np.array(lasy_iterations)[iteration, :])**2

#plt.imshow(array2d_lasy[:,:], extent=[1995, 2000, 0, 200])
#plt.xlabel('$z$ (mm)')
#plt.ylabel('$r$ (µm)')

#0 iteration is irrelevant since in fbpic the laser is getting emmited by antenna
plt.imshow(array2d_lasy[:,1:] - array2d_fbpic[:,1:], extent=[1995.000128, 2000, 0, 200])
plt.xlabel('$z$ (mm)')
plt.ylabel('$r$ (µm)')
plt.title("LASY minus FBPIC")

#slice comparison
laser_fbpic, info_fbpic = data_fbpic.get_laser_envelope(iteration = 25 ,pol = 'x',slice_across='z', plot=False)
plt.plot(np.abs(laser_fbpic)**2, 'b', label='fbpic')
plt.plot(np.abs(np.array(lasy_iterations)[25,:])**2, 'y', label='lasy')

#max intensities at each iteration
plt.plot(array2d_lasy[:, 1:].max(axis=0), 'y', label='lasy')
plt.plot(array2d_fbpic[:,1:].max(axis=0), 'b', label='fbpic')
plt.xlabel('$z$ (mm)')
#0.000128 mm to 5mm

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