An application for businesses that allows clients to schedule appointments through their availability.
- Category: Business/Social Network.
- Mobile: Primarily developed for Android mobile applications but may extend the idea to the web and iOS.
- Story: Provides the user with nearby local businesses depending on the specified filters.
- Market: Small businesses and their clients.
- Habit: The app will be used as often as the user needs to schedule appointments for their daily lists and neccessities.
- Scope: Business would primarily post their availabilty on the app, which will allow users to specify their appointment. That will provide a bussiness with a confirmation of the appointment. Provide both the bussiness and individuals with a reminder.
Required Must-have Stories
- User can login & register
- User can favorite Businesses
- Login to view nearby businesses
- Filter nearby businesses by location/favorites
- Register through sign up
- Favorited/liked businesses
- Notifications and Reminders of Appointment
- Setup profile
- Google Maps API to show distance between User and Business
- Sign up or log in
- Create business profile
- Set availability hours
- View all upcoming appointments
- UI Setup
- Custom App Icon
- Infinite scrolling
- Swipe to refresh
- Modal overlays (fragments)
- Bottom Navigation Bar
- Data binding MVVM
- Google API Maps
- Google API Calendar
- Back4App connect
- Connect Google Calendar API to allow users to add their appointment
Optional: Nice-to-have Stories
- Data Binding
- Stride API Payment system for SaaS
- Table Orders
- Splash Screen
- Business Analytics
- Offline persistence
- Phone number/email confirmation
- GitHub Actions setup
- CI - build
- CD - deploy
- Login
- Register - Setup business or user credentials
- Phone number confirmation
- Home
- Shows list of scheduled appointments
- Stream
- Show list of local businesses
- User can filter by distance, favorited, and type of business
- Detail (Profile view)
- Provide a detailed information from the profile
- Creation (Appointment)
- View availability, create, reschedule, cancel appointments
- Manange appointment(s) section
- Profile
- Provide email, password, phone number
- Setup photo, username, bio
- Business: name, appointment availability, phone number, location, hours of operation
- User: name, secheduled appointments (if it's with your business)
- Settings
- Change theme light/dark mode
- About
- Logout
Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)
- Stream (Businesses)
- Home (Manage appoinments)
- Creation
- Profile
- Settings
Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)
- Home
- View created appointments
- Creation
- Manage appointments
- Signup -> Profile setup
- Login -> Stream screen
- Stream -> detail view
- Stream -> compose
- Profile
- Modify user attributes
- Settings
- Show app settings
Wireframe Link:
- Recommend viewing the image in a different tab and zooming in
to different parts of the image for a better understanding.
Digital Wireframe Link:
Property | Type | Description |
ObjectID | Title | Unique profile ID |
Name | String | User's full name |
String | User's unique email | |
Password | String | User's password |
Image | File | Optional profile image |
Phone Number | Integer | Optional/Required |
Bio | String | Optional bio for user |
Property | Type | Description |
ObjectID | Integer | Unique object ID |
Business name | String | Business's name |
Owner name | String | Owner's name |
Location | Int | Business location |
Hours | Int | Business hours of service |
Service/Avg Price | Int | Average price of service |
Business Type | String | Type of bussiness |
Property | Type | Description |
ObjectID | Integer | Unique ID |
Time | String | Appointment time |
Details | String | Detail information |
Date | Date | When the appointment is scheduled |
isReschedule | Boolean | User can reschedule only 1 time |
Status | Boolean | If the appointment is cancelled or awaiting |
UserObjectID | Pointer | Reference key to User |
BussinessObjectID | Pointer | Reference key to Business |
- Login
- Google Login
- (READ/GET) google access token
- Google Login
- Register - Setup business or user credentials
- (CREATE/POST) Create new user profile for client/business
- Stream
- (READ/GET) Appointment details
- Home
- Business
- (READ/GET) get the list of events from user calendar
- (UPDATE/PUT) Favorite
- Client
- (READ/GET) Get appointments from calendar
- (Read/GET) Get distance of business in relation to users current location
- Business
- Detail
- Business desc.
- (READ/GET) Get Business details
- (Create/POST) Create new Google Maps intent for driving directions
- (READ/GET) Get appointments from calendar
- Appointment
- (DELETE) Cancel appointment
- (UPDATE/PUT) Reschedule appointment
- (POST/CREATE) Intent for Maps directions
- Business desc.
- Creation (Appointment)
- (READ/GET) Get business details
- (CREATE/POST) Add event to calendar
- Appointment Overlay
- (Create/POST) Create a new appointments
- (READ/GET) Get events from calendar
- (READ/GET) Get business details
- Profile
- (GET/CREATE) Create a new user Profile
- Settings
- (POST/GET) User preference for dark mode
- (POST/GET) Logout
--- Basic snippets for each Parse network request
public void createObject() {
ParseObject entity = new ParseObject("Appointment");
entity.put("BusinessName", "A string");
entity.put("Time", "2323" );
entity.put("Status", "Confirmed" );
entity.put("Details", "Business 123" );
entity.put("isReschedule", "false" );
entity.put("user", ParseUser.getCurrentUser());
// Saves the new object.
// Notice that the SaveCallback is totally optional!
entity.saveInBackground(e -> {
if (e==null){
//Save was done
//Something went wrong
Toast.makeText(this, e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
— End points & APIs
- Base URL -
- Documentation -
HTTP VERB | Endpoint | Description |
GET | distancematrix/rows/distance | gets distance between two locations |
- Base URL -
- Documentation -
HTTP VERB | Endpoint | Description |
GET | /calendars/calendarId/events/eventId | Returns an event. |
- Base URL -
- Documentation -
HTTP VERB | Endpoint | Description |
POST | /create-payment-intent | Payment lifecycle |
- Documentation:
- Setup:
- documentation:
- Reference:
- iconmonstr