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FS Error Middleware

Error middleware is essential in web applications, particularly in frameworks like Express.js, for several reasons:

Centralized Error Handling:

Error middleware consolidates error-handling logic in one place, which helps keep your code organized and easier to maintain. This centralized approach ensures consistent error responses across all routes and components of the application.

Custom Error Responses:

It enables you to send standardized error responses to clients, enhancing the user experience and making debugging easier. Error middleware can provide detailed error messages and HTTP status codes (e.g., 400, 404, 500) based on the error type.


Error middleware allows for logging errors systematically, making it easier to track, analyze, and resolve issues. You can log errors to a database, log files, or monitoring tools, helping you gather valuable information for troubleshooting.

Global Error Catching:

It catches unexpected errors that may occur anywhere in the request lifecycle, preventing these errors from crashing the server. This "catch-all" approach protects the application and maintains stability, even when unexpected issues arise.


By handling errors in middleware, you can hide sensitive information (like stack traces) from users. Instead, you can return a generic error message, which helps secure your application and prevents attackers from learning about its internal workings. In summary, error middleware is critical for maintaining stability, security, and consistent error handling across a web application, improving both developer and user experience.

Swift version

The latest version of ErrorMiddleware requires Swift 5.9 and MacOS v13 or later. You can download this version of the Swift binaries by following this link.


Swift Package Manager

Add dependencies using the version

Add the ErrorMiddleware package to the dependencies within your application’s Package.swift file. Substitute "x.x.x" with the latest ErrorMiddleware release.

.package(url: "", from: "x.x.x")

Add ErrorMiddleware to your target's dependencies:

.target(name: "ErrorMiddleware", dependencies: ["ErrorMiddleware"]),

Import package

import ErrorMiddleware

Add dependencies using the branch

Add the ErrorMiddleware package to the dependencies within your application’s Package.swift file. Substitute "name branch" with the latest ErrorMiddleware release.

.package(url: "", branch: "name branch")

Add ErrorMiddleware to your target's dependencies:

.target(name: "ErrorMiddleware", dependencies: ["ErrorMiddleware"]),

Import package

import ErrorMiddleware

Getting Started

To use the custom static function to create a custom error middleware in a Vapor application, you need to integrate it into your application's middleware stack. Here’s how you can do it step by step:

1. Add the custom Middleware to the Application

You’ll typically set up the middleware in the configure.swift file (or equivalent) of your Vapor application.

Example Usage:

import Vapor

public func configure(_ app: Application) throws {
    // Set the environment
    let environment = app.environment

    // Define a unique number for error codes
    let errorNumber = 42

    // Create the custom error middleware
    let errorMiddleware = ErrorMiddleware.custom(
        environment: environment,
        for: errorNumber,
        keyEncodingStrategy: .convertToSnakeCase // Default; can be omitted

    // Replace the default middleware with the custom middleware

    // Continue with other configurations, like routes
    try routes(app)

2. Explanation of Parameters:

  • environment: The current environment (app.environment). It determines how errors are logged and displayed. For example:

    • isRelease = true: Hides error details from users.
    • isRelease = false: Shows detailed error information for debugging.
  • number: A numeric identifier appended to the error codes. This allows for unique and traceable error codes across your application.

  • keyEncodingStrategy (optional): Specifies how property keys in your error response are encoded. The default is .convertToSnakeCase, which transforms properties like isError to is_error in JSON.

3. Result:

With the custom middleware in place:

  • Errors thrown in your application will be handled by this middleware.
  • Based on the error type (e.g., AppError, AbortError, or LocalizedError), appropriate error responses will be generated.
  • Error responses will follow the JSON structure defined by ErrorResponse.

Example Error Response (in JSON):

For a 404 AbortError:

  "is_error": true,
  "reason": "Not Found",
  "error": "404",
  "status": "404",
  "code": "404.42.1234"

For a generic internal server error:

  "is_error": true,
  "reason": "Something went wrong.",
  "error": "something_went_wrong",
  "status": "500",
  "code": "500.42.0000"

4. Testing the Middleware:

Run your Vapor application, and test with scenarios like:

  • Throwing a custom AppError.
  • Using Abort(.notFound) or other AbortError.
  • Triggering a generic error.

5. Optional Improvements:

  • Use dependency injection to pass custom parameters for more flexibility.
  • Modify the number to represent different modules or contexts (e.g., 42 for authentication, 100 for payment systems).


LLC Freedom Space – @LLCFreedomSpace[email protected]

Distributed under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3. See for more information.



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