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Git: Commit Messages

José Braga edited this page Feb 12, 2016 · 18 revisions

Document every commit meaningfully. Commit messages shall have the generic form [MODULE]: [MESSAGE]., where [MESSAGE] is one or more full English sentences describing what was changed, added or removed.

CMake Files

  • Changes to the file CMakeLists.txt or files residing in the cmake folder shall have a commit message of the form CMake: [MESSAGE]..


    • CMake: Added OpenCV building option.
    • CMake: Added option to build using the Blueview SDK.


  • Changes to files and folders residing in the src/DUNE folder shall have a commit message of the form [PATH]: [MESSAGE]., where [PATH] is the path to the file in question omitting the extension and starting with DUNE/.


    • DUNE/Exceptions: Added new NotImplemented exception.
    • DUNE/Network/TCPSocket: Use 'this' object instead of native handle.
    • DUNE/Math/Vector: Removed seldom used Vector class.


  • Changes to tasks, should have a commit per task, and the commit messages shall be of the form [TASK]: [MESSAGE]., where [TASK] is the full path to the task's folder.


    • Sensors/MiniSVS: Added device driver for Valeport's miniSVS Sound Velocity Sensors.
    • Power/PCTLv2: Ignore broadcast PowerChannelControl to main channel.

Programs and Scripts

  • Commit messages for files under the 'programs' folder, shall be of the form Programs: [PROGRAM]: [MESSAGE]., where [PROGRAM] is the name of the program in question.


    • Programs: dune-sendmsg: Added default units option to the DesiredZ message.
    • Programs: Removed obsolete script.

External and Vendor Files

  • Commit messages for files under the 'vendor' folder shall be of the form Vendor: [PRODUCT]: [MESSAGE]., where [PRODUCT] is the canonical name of the library or project in question.


    • Vendor: LZ4: Added library.
    • Vendor: Pthreads-win32: Updated to version 2.9.1.


  • Commit messages for systems' configurations shall be of the form Config: [CONFIG]: [MESSAGE]., where [CONFIG] is the path to the configuration file inside the etc/ folder, without the .ini extension.


    • Config: lauv-noptilus-2: Using more explicit power channel name.
    • Config: development/ardupilot-testbed: Moving development systems to appropriate directory.

Documentation Files

  • Changes to files residing in the doc folder shall have a commit message of the form Documentation: [MESSAGE]..


    • Documentation: Modified Doxygen configuration files.
    • Documentation: Updated emacs code style.

Multiple Tasks

  • If the same exact change is applied to multiple files (e.g: more than 5 Tasks), then all modifications can be committed at once. The commit message shall be of the form [SECTION]: [MESSAGE] while respecting previous commit message rules. [SECTION] shall be omitted if the modification applies to several locations in DUNE.


    • Filter EstimatedState messages by source system.
    • Config: Updated all AUV systems to new Power controller.
    • DUNE/Navigation: Updated GpsFix message.

Merge Commits

  • Merging one branch to the master branch must follow specific procedures. An issue must first be opened in Redmine or GitHub, specifying the [ISSUE_TYPE] in question: task, feature, bug fix etc. Once the branch is ready to be merged, there should be a reviewer assigned, which may or may not be the same person authoring the merge commit.
  • The commit message that follows the automatically generated text from git ("Merge branch 'feature/foo'") must have the form: [ISSUE_TYPE]: [MESSAGE].
  • Then state the author and reviewer:
    • Authored by: [AUTHOR]
    • Reviewed by: [REVIEWER]
  • Then properly identify the issue opened in Redmine or GitHub (respectively):
    • This commit fixes #[ISSUE_NUMBER]
    • Bug Fix GitHub #[ISSUE_NUMBER]


Merge branch 'feature/oceaneco'

Feature: Added support for OceanEco hardware (LAUVs and Mantas).

Authored By: Ricardo Martins
Reviewed By: Pedro Calado

This commit fixes #3124.