Define the model features
Prepare the Dataset
Initialize the model's parameters Loop: Calculate current loss (forward propagation) Calculate current gradient (backward propagation) Update parameters (gradient descent)
Use the parameters for output predictions
import numpy as np
def load_data():
#Loading the dataset.
dataset = np.genfromtxt('data_points.csv', delimiter=",")
X = dataset[:, 0]
Y = dataset[:, 1]
return (X,Y)
def initialise_param(dim):
w = np.zeros(dim)
b = 0
return [w, b]
def activation(w, b, X):
return np.add(np.multiply(w,X), b)
References to understand the Cost, Gradients:
def propagate_step(w,b,X,Y):
#Number of Examples
m = float(X.shape[0])
#Activation (prediction for the step)
A = activation(w, b, X)
cost = (1/m) * (np.sum(np.square(Y-A)))
dw = (-2/m)*(,(Y-A).T))
db = (-2/m)*np.sum(Y-A)
grads = {'dw':dw,
return grads, cost
def optimise(w, b, X, Y, num_iterations=2000, learning_rate=0.0001):
costs =[]
for i in range(num_iterations):
grads, cost = propagate_step(w, b, X, Y)
if i%100==0:
print "Iteration {itr} : Weights w: {w}, b: {b}, Cost: {cst}".format(itr =i, w=w, b=b, cst=cost)
w = w - learning_rate*grads['dw']
b = b - learning_rate*grads['db']
params = {'w': w,
return params, grads, costs
def prediction (w, b, X):
return activation(w, b, X)
if __name__ == '__main__':
X, Y = load_data()
w, b = initialise_param((1,))
params, _, _ = optimise(w, b , X, Y, num_iterations=2000, learning_rate=0.0001)
X_required = np.array([22.00,])
print prediction(params['w'], params['b'], X_required)
Iteration 0 : Weights w: [0.], b: 0, Cost: 5565.10783449
Iteration 100 : Weights w: [1.47880272], b: 0.0350749705952, Cost: 112.647056628
Iteration 200 : Weights w: [1.47868474], b: 0.0410776713033, Cost: 112.643452008
Iteration 300 : Weights w: [1.47856684], b: 0.0470758430193, Cost: 112.639852825
Iteration 400 : Weights w: [1.47844904], b: 0.0530694891604, Cost: 112.636259071
Iteration 500 : Weights w: [1.47833133], b: 0.0590586131412, Cost: 112.632670738
Iteration 600 : Weights w: [1.4782137], b: 0.0650432183735, Cost: 112.629087818
Iteration 700 : Weights w: [1.47809616], b: 0.0710233082667, Cost: 112.625510303
Iteration 800 : Weights w: [1.47797872], b: 0.0769988862276, Cost: 112.621938183
Iteration 900 : Weights w: [1.47786136], b: 0.0829699556604, Cost: 112.618371452
Iteration 1000 : Weights w: [1.47774409], b: 0.0889365199668, Cost: 112.614810101
Iteration 1100 : Weights w: [1.4776269], b: 0.0948985825459, Cost: 112.611254122
Iteration 1200 : Weights w: [1.47750981], b: 0.100856146794, Cost: 112.607703507
Iteration 1300 : Weights w: [1.4773928], b: 0.106809216105, Cost: 112.604158248
Iteration 1400 : Weights w: [1.47727589], b: 0.112757793871, Cost: 112.600618336
Iteration 1500 : Weights w: [1.47715906], b: 0.11870188348, Cost: 112.597083765
Iteration 1600 : Weights w: [1.47704231], b: 0.124641488319, Cost: 112.593554524
Iteration 1700 : Weights w: [1.47692566], b: 0.130576611771, Cost: 112.590030608
Iteration 1800 : Weights w: [1.4768091], b: 0.136507257218, Cost: 112.586512006
Iteration 1900 : Weights w: [1.47669262], b: 0.142433428038, Cost: 112.582998713