Found a bug in the script - redid all of these analyses for the paired-end data.
By generating simulated reads from the EC958 genome with the fimS region in either the OFF or ON orientation, we can create pseudo-sequencing runs with various percentages of the OFF and ON reads in order to test the specificity of the invertible DNA switch counter script (previously known as DiSCO, but needs a new name).
Percentages to be tested:
- OFF/ON = 100/0
- OFF/ON = 80/20
- OFF/ON = 60/40
- OFF/ON = 40/60
- OFF/ON = 80/20
- OFF/ON = 0/100
We also want to generate invertible DNA regions of different sizes and test detection of inversion here as well:
Inversion sizes:
- 100 bp inversion
- 500 bp inversion
- 700 bp inversion
- 1000 bp inversion
- 2000 bp inversion
- 3000 bp inversion
Following the manual instructions and the given error models in GemSIM, the following commands were run in order to generate simulated reads:
$ python ./ -r EC958.fasta -n 10000000 -l 100 -u 300 -s 20 -m models/ill100v4_p.gzip -c -q 64 -o EC958-OFF -p $ python ./ -r EC958_fimS_ON.fasta -n 10000000 -l 100 -u 300 -s 20 -m models/ill100v4_p.gzip -c -q 64 -o EC958-ON -p
The EC958 fasta files contained either a fimS in the OFF orientation (EC958.fasta) or in the ON orientation (EC958_fimS_ON.fasta). The ON orientation file was generated by reverse complementing the 314-bp fimS region from the original EC958 genome sequence.
The easiest way to parse the files would be to just take the first ~80%/~20%. However, we cannot be sure that this will give us an "equal" distribution of reads across the fimS region. We will try this first and then investigate alternative methods if it doesn't work.
Testing this seemed to work and gave the desired % of reads mapping to either the OFF or ON orientation. Unfortunately, my DiSCO script still had "delete original files" coded into it, so I lost the original files and had to generate them again.
The files have 10,000,000 reads, so there are 40,000,000 lines in the files (as each read has a header, sequence, quality score etc.). The reads are also listed as r1, r2, r3 etc. so taking a random list from the "OFF" file and merging with the "ON" file would be slightly harder than first anticipated. The easier way is to take the first ~80% of lines from one file, and the last ~20% lines from the other file.
To do this:
$ head -32000000 EC958-OFF_fir.fastq > EC958-OFF80_1.fastq $ tail -8000000 EC958-ON_fir.fastq >> EC958-OFF80_1.fastq $ head -32000000 EC958-OFF_sec.fastq > EC958-OFF80_2.fastq $ tail -8000000 EC958-ON_sec.fastq >> EC958-OFF80_2.fastq
The DiSCO package (or whatever it'll be named in the future) is available on github. It is one script, but it requires a few different files to be constructed before it can be run. Refer to information on github.
DiSCO was run on all of the "merged simreads" for the OFF/ON inversion test. This test proved successful. All of the files were generated and run on the binf-training server in leah@binf-training:~/Projects/GemSIM_fimS_pseudoseq
Need to take a region in EC958 and generate psuedo-references with different inversion sizes.
Take region in sufS (EC958): Reason? Arbitrarily chosen
- 1821200..1821300 (100 bp)
- 1821000..1821500 (500 bp)
- 1820900..1821600 (700 bp)
- 1820800..1821800 (1000 bp)
- 1820000..1822000 (2000 bp)
- 1819000..1822000 (3000 bp)
Need to create extra genomes where these regions are inverted (reverse complemented). This was done manually. To create reads for both orientations, reads were generated using GemSIM from the fasta references (with the pseudo-inversion).
The command to do this was::
$ ~/bin/GemSIM_v1.6/ -r EC958_complete.fasta -n 2000000 -l 100 -u 300 -s 20 -m ~/bin/GemSIM_v1.6/models/ill100v4_p.gzip -c -q 64 -o EC958_original_paired_sim -p
The reads were then distributed 50/50 between inversion orientations using -head and -tail which has worked previously.
Then, need to generate pseudo-references that have 1000 bp flanking region. This can be done with the newly generated script. Once the reference files have been generated, the files can be run through DiSCus.
The above didn't quite give the expected results, so I will redo the analysis using a different region and more inversion sizes to specifically determine the effectiveness of both methods (bedmaps and paired-end) on inversion size.
Inversion sizes:
- 150 bp (1827933..1828082)
- 250 bp (1827933..1828182)
- 350 bp (1827933..1828282)
- 500 bp (1827933..1828432)
- 600 bp (1827933..1828532)
- 700 bp (1827933..1828632)
- 800 bp (1827933..1828732)
- 1000 bp (1827933..1828932)
- 1250 bp (1827933..1829182)
- 1500 bp (1827933..1829432)
- 1750 bp (1827933..1829682)
- 2000 bp (1827933..1829932)
- 2500 bp (1827933..1830432)
- 3000 bp (1827933..1830933)
Analysis method will be the same as before, with a different inversion region in EC958: position 1827933 onwards
Aim: Looking at the different sites within EC958 that are invertible.
Using fimS, hyxR and the Phi invertible regions (1,2, and 4) using Illumina paired-end data from Sohinee's fim switch analysis, taking the WT EC958 strain grown on day 0 and day 5 (day 0 = shaking, day 5 = fifth day after static growth).
Created pseudo-references for use with DiSCO (or whatever it's called now).