- chru [OPTIONS] --host <host> --wordlist <path>
--help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-d, --depth <depth> Segmentation Depth [default: 10]
-e, --extensions <ext>... List of common extensions, such as .js,.txt,.asp.net
-T, --text <filter-text> Text/word in Response [default: ]
-h, --host <host> Target URL
-l, --link-option <link> URLs Options to Fetch [Interal=I, External=E or ALL=A] [default: I]
-t, --threads <nthreads> Number of Threads [default: 50]
-w, --wordlist <path> Endpoints file path
-s, --status-code <status-code> Status Code to print [default: 0]
- [ ] JS Parser
- [ ] Validate paths based on two different roles/tokens
- [ ] Include endpoints and the parameters in the validation
- [ ] Improve the filter
- [ ] Output without validation
- [ ] Add insecure TLS option
chru -h https://example.com -l I -w endpoints.txt -d 10 -t 30 -T "Google developer" -s 200
Running `target/debug/chru -h 'https://example.com' -l I -w endpoints.txt -d 10 -t 30 -T 'Google developer' -s 200`
[*] Target: https://example.com
[*] Number of Threads: 30
[*] Number of Requests: 3740
[+] /apis | 200 OK | 5325 Bytes