Simple app written in Python used to make pixel art-friendly rotation for indie games. Saves result to .png files and creates list contains coordinates of grip/handle.
Simply take any pixel art weapon, tools, item:
Scale it up for preview if needed:
By right click selectr grip-point (a point by which item should be held by player or other entity):
and click "Rotate" to get 40 pixel friendly rotates + 40 mirrors of items. They will be saved to output folder along with list of grip points (grip point xy changes with rotation.
Item grip points combined with character grip points allows you to animate various characters with various tools/weapons only by pointing grip points by right click. No need for any manual writing lists ;)
check out more Grip Point generator at:
Preview images credits:
Character: TOP-DOWN Adventure Pack by O_LOBSTER
Sword: Ninja Adventure by Pixel-Boy and AAA