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Jeffrey Scott Flesher edited this page Nov 29, 2020 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the End-Of-Time-Recorder Home Wiki!

Regardless of if you believe the End Of Time (EOT) is going to happen, this project is designed to prove it is happening, and if you have never heard of the End Of Time, you can find references to it, in all Bibles, or the Torah written before the 3rd Century, when Johannes Kepler found this out for the first time, that it can be calculated that is, and why I wrote the galaxy-calculator, the Bible's Altered after that time, still have it in there, but it is not the same, besides the fact that Christ is not in any Bible or the Torah, before that time, proves that it was inserted there, to hide this information, and why would the Church that Murder Jesus Bar Abbas, the Leader of the Militia that Defended the Roman Empire, for its use of Money and Taxation, so it is no wonder most Sheep do not know this, because they did not even know they were Sheep, unless they got Psalms 23 that is, if you do not, only Sheep follow a Shepard, and it is not a Term of Endearment, Sheep are Sacrificial Animals in the Bible, he is leading them to get slaughtered silly Sheep, but that is just the Bible, and Kepler and Sir Isaac Newton, and Nikola Tesla did not believe in Deities, or a God that does not Physically Exist, since the Torah states God is All Light without Darkness, God cannot be a Deity, since Light without Darkness exist inside all the Atoms in the Universe, proving they are not even the same God, in fact, in Religion, a Deity God is actually not a God at all, but Sheep do not know how to Read, Stupid Sheep, a Deity is the Belief that God does not Physically Exist, and there is another term for that, it is called Insanity, the belief in things that do not exist, and Physically does not change Existence, if it does not Physically Exist, it does not exist, even Radio Waves and Light exist, but not some Angel from Hell named God, yes the Ugly one is just Named God, and not a God, since God is All Light without Darkness, so Sheep have a different God they Worship, it is called the most Beautiful Angel in the World, also known as Satan, so it is no wonder why Kepler, Newton, and Tesla's writing is not very popular, or you would all know this is what they wrote about, the End of Time.

History calls Kepler, Newton, and Tesla Wizards, and in the Bible Jesus Bar Abbas was also a Wizard, Staff of Power, bringing back the Dead, Ascending to Heaven, only Wizards do this type of Magic.

Kepler said that God is All Light without Darkness, and not a Deity, Newton said God is the Force of Gravity in all his Equations, why you might ask, is because Light without Darkness is inside every Atom in the Universe, that is what the Last Wizard Tesla said, we are all Light Beings, because we are all Made of Light, because Light is everything, it is the part of Light without Darkness that gets Sheep Confused, the Light without Darkness is only a Spectrum of Light, normal Sheep cannot see with their naked Eyes, maybe if you put Night Vision Goggles on your Sheep, but that would only confuse them more, bring up the Fact that Albert Einstein denounced his Theory in 1942, stating it will not work without Sir Isaac Newton's God as the Force of Gravity, and why they still use all Kepler, Newton, and Tesla's Math, all based on God as the Force of Gravity in all Math Equations, so Einstein was right about him being wrong, but the World of Sheep ignore Facts, and believe a Theory is just a way of Explaining a fact, that is too stupid to defend, since you have to prove a Theory in order for it to become a Fact, and after over a Century, no one has proven any of Einstein's theories and never will, since Light has No Acceleration, it cannot be Dynamic, but Sheep are too Stupid to understand the Science of Wizards like Kepler, Newton and Tesla.

The End Of Time is when the Earth's Polarity will change, reversing is a better term, so let me explain Trinary Science, Trinary means Trinity without Christ, since The Last Magician (Wizard), the BBC Special about Sir Isaac Newton, but most people should know that Newton's Greatest Achievement was Calculating the End Of Time, and he got 25 December for that date, in the year 2060 under the Julian Calendar, or 14 January 2061 under the Gregorian Calendar, and the reason most Religious Sheep do not know this since by definition only Sheep are Religious, a fact Christians should understand, since Psalms 23 confirms this, Jews only Care about Money, Slavery like the Muslims, so no wonder they will all die at the End Of Time.

Our Earth's Magnetosphere is a Magnetic Field, and right now that field has a positive and negative side of this field, just like a Magnet, North and South are just signs of positive and negative polarity, also known as the Alternating Current (AC) Effect, anyone that wants to understand this, must understand a Magnet, it has a positive and negative side that when they reverse, they must first pass through Ground, that is the Magnet, and Earth is a Magnet, so what happens to all Fields at Ground, is they collapse, and our Magnetosphere holds in our Atmosphere, and it will stop doing that, till it can start up in the other direction, or reverse polarity, now this will also change the polarity of our Magnetosphere, and if you think our Electronics will work the same, you would have to know nothing about it, I just told you it will now be reversed, does that mean we need to reverse the power on all our batteries, is a question about a floating Ground, as long as it knows what edge to trigger on, it should work, but would be off by 180 degrees from what it was before the End of Time.

The way the End of Time Recorder works is simple, the devices I want to use are I2C bus devices, so I can use up to 127 of them, since the Arduino will use one also, now I can use Magnetometers, and these are designed to measure Earth's Polarity, looking for Magnetic North, which is actually the True South Pole, but Sheep get confused when I state that this way, I read a survey that stated most people think True North is where the Pole should be, but it drifts and wobbles and is off by 10 degrees, that is called Magnetic Deviation, but trust me, if you follow a Compass from what is known as the Magnetic South Pole, that is True North, and if you follow any Compass, it will always point North, and if you are at the True North Pole, everything would be North of there, making it as far Magnetically South as it can get, but following the path, will take you to the True South Pole, and why Sheep call it the North Pole, is because they are too lazy to state Magnetically in front of it, and thus confusing them, but this machine will not make that mistake, but you have to make sure to follow directions, and understand what all people should know, and that is the difference between True and Magnetic North. The device gets a strength reading we need to record, if the chip does not have a strength reading, it is of little use, I am not only interested in where True North is, I want to know its Strength, if I know it is getting weaker, as Sir Isaac Newton discovered in 1666, by documenting all changes logged in ships from around the world, going back to the year 999, and how he calculated that by our year 2103, well I am Medically Retired Military, and they still use Julian, Newton discovered our field will be at 0, but the Bible or Torah written before the 3rd Century, and did not have Christ inserted into it, told a completely different story about Jesus for one, since there was only one, and Christ mean Star, and True Christianity meant the Study of Stars, so Newton only wanted that, and nothing to do with Christ the Deity, he said only Satan would teach Ewe that God did not physically exist, all to make Money somehow Less Evil, by making Sheep believe it is only the Love of Money that is Evil, try washing the Sin of Jesus being sold out for Money off your Hands, it is not possible, that is called a Sin, and only Sinners use Money, since under the United States Constitution, it is Treason to allow anyone but Congress to Print Money, making Money more than just a Sin, but Treason, so maybe those terms mean the same thing, so the Electronics part of this project, only cares about the Truth, and why I must make sure Sheep understand why they do not know about this, if it is the Truth, and only Satan could answer that, the Electrons works on the Principle that God is All Light without Darkness, I call this The Principles of the Trinary Universe, so you must understand why Wizards like Kepler, Newton and Tesla said that God is the Force of Gravity in all their Equations, because God is All Light without Darkness, since that is what is inside every Atom in the Universe, and that is how this Electronic Device works, it does not care what yew call God, nor does the Universe, know it or no it not, I am not going to lie about what God is just so others can lie about What Angel they Worship, knowing God is just the Name of the Ugliest Angel in His-Story, like most Ashkenazi, I have read the Torah, I know I am not a Sheep, and I know God is All Light without Darkness, and an Ugly Angel named God, has nothing to with that type of Light or Darkness, in fact, Light is Good, and Darkness is Evil, and that is what Satan Teaches Sheep, people know that inside every Atom in the Universe is Light without Darkness, so it physically exists, so Electronic Magnetometers can measure what direction God Flows, not some Angel, no Electrons will help you there, well maybe Electroshock Therapy, or Heart Defibrillator, that should get the Light of God back into you.

If you want to know the truth about the End of Time, you might need or want a machine like this, and the cost is always an issue, so I will try to keep the cost down, and make sure they can be found around the world, so everyone can buy parts from whomever they want, I will try to list alternative parts as well.

I will create Videos and write a book about this device or End of Time Recorder, it will record Magnetic changes in direction with a stationary pod it sits in, you align it to Magnetic North, and lock it down, point another mechanical ring device, pointing to where Magnetic North Pole should be, without the Drift and Wobble, you will find it is miles away from that point, and heading Magnetically South, so you need to track the rate of that movement, and that is what this device will do, and I will show you in detail how to build it, get parts, even troubleshoot, repair and maintain it. I will cover all the Computer Programing, as well as how to program the Arduino, from a PI type computer, as well as how to make Printed Circuit Boards (PCB), and mount components to them, even without using a soldering iron, instead Electronic Adhesives, we will glue them on, and use Electronic Ink to make traces to hook up all the parts, making this a project that can be built in many ways, using different techniques, soldering, adhesives, and making PCB using Routers, or Chemicals, and even making a 3D printer that can make this board for you, but that is another project.

I will teach you about all the components, how they work, how to connect them, and test them, and use them for this application, which is to record our Magnetosphere, and track changes in the Magnetic Polarity or our Earth, so we can better predict what day it will Reverse its poles, and we know how to monitor changes in positions, you set up the box to point to Magnetic North, and check to see if that position changes, if it changes by a degree, you need to make sure your Box is repositioned to Magnetic North, to turn off the Alarm, Earthquakes affect these readings, so this device monitors Earthquakes, so it can disregard all reading made during that time, so I will be talking about auto positioners, and lockdown platforms.

I will be using KiCad, it is Free Open Source and runs on Linux, Mac, and Windows. I use it to design and build the PCB for this device, I can also build the Arduino onboard, even the PI, so we make both the PI and Arduino, on the same PCB, I like this idea, but not every DIY will want to do this, so I will show alternate ways to do everything.

I will put a PI onboard to program the Arduino, since there will be changes to it, we could make small changes to the Magnetic North position in code, rather than to have to realign it, auto aligners are expensive with lockdowns, but I will design them for DIY options.

The PI needs Power, and this will have a DC UPS, not an AC UPS, do not confuse them, I will design many types of rechargeable battery systems, more on that under End of Time Battery, it is a 25 year battery that only needs to be changed once for this whole event, it is 2020 now, so in 2045 you need to change batteries, by then they will have longer lasting batteries then this, so you will not have to change it again if they last till 2103, that is when the Earth will be at 0, but the Reversal is to occur 66 or in hex 42 year before that date, so our system needs to work during this whole time frame, even though some of you might not be alive at that time, so will not be able to change the batteries anyway, I have Cancer, the 25 year battery might be my last battery to change, I will be 85, and on my 100th birthday on 14 January 2061, that will be the End of Time for me, and what this device will record for me, for you it will only record Magnetic changes, I am special since I am a Wizard, but it was Sir Isaac Newton or the Bible, meaning Torah written before the 3rd Century, in the Bible it stated Jesus would come back in the Flesh, that just happens to be my real name. The Rechargeable Powerpack will be 24 VDC, and recharges down below 0 degrees Fahrenheit, and last for 25 years without a change, but still must be charged, so a charger will also be built-in.

This project will have a Probe, it is the sensor pack, it will work on a special I2C Cable with DC power cable, so the cable has length limits, but is required to isolate the sensor pack from other components, and power supply, and anything metallic that can interfere with its signal.

I will cover the different ways to mount this outside, since it will not work indoors, due to AC Wall Voltage Cables acting like Magnetic Antennas broadcasting Electromagnetic Waves of Energy the Magnetometer will get confused by.

There are many aspects to a device like this, and it can also monitor temperature and humidity, pressure, Earthquakes, all types of Electromagnetic Fields, even recording their strength, so we need to make sure we are only looking at the Magnetic North signature, so it will take me a while to complete this project, and write books, and make videos, and afford the parts I need to build them, so stay tuned, this page will change in time, but is all about teaching you about God using a Machine.


  1. God

  2. Magnetometers

  3. Atmospheric-Sensors

  4. Sensor-Box

  5. PI

  6. Arduino

  7. Stellar-Tracker

  8. Magnetosphere

  9. DC-Battery-UPS

  10. Cables

  11. Building

  12. Videos

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