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Jeffrey Scott Flesher edited this page Jan 4, 2021 · 7 revisions


To understand Earths Magnetism, we can use NASA data on this found at this link, I will quote this "Geophysicists have noted that the strength of Earth’s magnetic field has been decaying—about 5 percent globally over the past century" They are saying, it is running down at a very fast pace, and it should be clear, it cannot keep going to 0 without any consequences, for one thing, our Magnetosphere holds in our Atmosphere, so this is proof beyond a reasonable doubt, that Newton was correct in the way he calculated this, but I will talk more about this in Magnetometers. To understand this effect, we need to keep in mind that all Energy is constant, so when one part of the Earth gets weaker, another part gets stronger, so the net energy is the same as a whole, but decaying by 5% globally every year on average, but not a constant rate, due to other factors, the depletion of Oil being the main one, since oil is not made from fossils, that is called a lie, bad science to allow this Treason, since we know we need that Oil to hold the Land up under it, and to lubricate, so we rotate smoothly, since the Earth needs oil to conduct electricity to maintain this Magnetic Field, that is aided by our Earth being made up of Iron that generates a Magnetic Field known as a Magnetosphere, I say aided, because it is not what generates the spinning rotational motions, and that is not due to Centrifugal Forces, which will only slow it down, and Kepler and Newton's Math is based on Mass and not Centrifugal Forces, that is Einstein's Lie that he himself admitted was a lie, so it has another force that generates this spinning rotational speed, and that is called the Force of Gravity, and Isaac Newton said that is the force of God, and not to honor God or anything stupid like that, oh I would like to Honor God for allowing this Mass of Atoms to be equal to the force of Gravity, he stated it as a fact, something only Aspies understand I guess, since most Neurotypical's believe a Theory is a way of explaining Facts, as if they need a Theory to Explain them, since an unproven Theory is not a Fact, so it cannot be related to them, since the Torah Bible States God is All Light without Darkness, that means Light without Darkness is the Force of Gravity, and that can be found inside every Atom in the Universe, so our Mass can be used to calculate it, and Einstein did not have any theory that works to prove otherwise, and why he denounced his Theory in 1942, in favor of Kepler, Newton, and Tesla's God as the Force of Gravity, if you do not believe me, remove all equations based on God as the Force of Gravity, if you do not believe God Exist, or in this case Light without Darkness, and saying that is All God is, means they are the same thing, only insane people would argue that point, since they would say God is a Deity, but that is a Lie, only Religion makes God into a Deity by teaching God does not Physically Exist, Light without Darkness exist, and God exist as the Force of Gravity for the same reason, Science, not Religion, where God is only the Name of one of many Angels, God being the ugliest of them all, for all those that do not believe Light without Darkness inside all the atoms in that mass is causing Gravity, are a Liar, since we all know this is the truth, only people who deny God Physically Exist, deny God exists at all, and those that deny God is the Force of Gravity, are Liars, and the Torah Bible states only Satan tells Half-truths, also known as lies, so anyone that states God is about Religion is Satanic, since the Bible states that so, but Religion is not about the Bible, since it states only Sheep would follow a Shepherd, who is leading them to be slaughtered, and making Ewe feel good about it. Einstein never had a Theory about how our Universe works, only how an Alternative Universe might work without God in it, applying a theory about a Universe without God in it, does not apply to one where Light without Darkness or God Exists, proving it is insane to apply any of Einstein’s Theories to our own Universe, since they never did apply to it, and Tesla asked Einstein to stop teaching it does apply to our Universe, and he did by Denouncing it. Our Magnetosphere follow the Laws of Physics, and I have a PhD in these Physics, so the only reason a Magnetic Field decays over time, is because it is an Alternating Current or AC Field, and they must decay over time, because they are going to pass through Ground or 0, to change polarity, also known as reversing polarity, going from positive to negative and then negative to positive, in cycles, and the Magnetic Field will collapse when it hits 0 or ground potential, and our Atmosphere will vent into space, till this field can build up in the opposite direction, a calculated guess is 6.66 minutes based on 1/137th of the Suns diameter, and how long that would take in time compared to speed of rotation, since that will not change by much, if it does, we are all dead, and all those that cannot hold their breath the entire time will also be dead, those that survive that, will find themselves in sub degree temperatures that will last a very long time, measured in thousands of years, and the Glaciers will scrape all the surface of the planet off, like it did around the Great Pyramids, grinding it into sand, and it will become a desert, erasing the fact that we ever lived on the surface of the planet, venting our Atmosphere into space that hole time, means all its heat is gone instantly, and NASA verified this is going to happen, the time till 0 is the year 2103, but the Torah Bible states it will happen 66 or the Hex 42 years before that Date, or the year 2061, less than 42 years from now, so calling NASA a liar does not upset me much, it does in this case, because they are telling the truth, but calling Kepler, Newton and Tesla a Liar, I have to defend them all in this case, since all evidence proves this is going to happen around that time frame.

Measuring Earth's vital magnetic field

To measure our Earth's Magnetosphere, we need a Manometer of .1 to 60 Microteslas, so let us talk about Magnetometers.

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