The repository for the Raytracer project.
1. The purpose of the project
2. How to use Raytracer
3. How to launch
4. People on the project
Raytracing is a 3D rendering technique used in computer graphics.
This technique consists of simulating the propagation of light in a virtual scene by tracing light rays from the camera or a light source and calculating their interaction with the objects in the scene.
The result is a realistic image with very realistic light effects, reflections, refractions and shadows.
Your goal is to create a program able to generate an image from a file describing the scene.
To use Raytracer you need a configuration file like the following:
scene =
camera = {
posx = -1.9;
posy = 0.0;
posz = 0.0;
angle1 = 0;
angle2 = 0;
shapes = (
shape = "sphere";
x = 0;
y = 0;
z = 2;
radius = 0.5;
color = "1 1 1";
light = "1 1 1 1.0";
shape = "sphere";
x = 0;
y = 0;
z = 0;
radius = 0.8;
rgb = "1 1 1 0.2";
shape = "plane";
x = 0;
y = 0;
z = 2;
vectx1 = 1;
vecty1 = 0;
vectz1 = 0;
vectx2 = 0;
vecty2 = 1;
vectz2 = 0;
color = "1.0 1.0 1.0";
light = "1.0 1.0 1.0 0.2";
mirror = 0.98;
shape = "plane";
x = 0;
y = 0;
z = -2;
vectx1 = 1;
vecty1 = 0;
vectz1 = 0;
vectx2 = 0;
vecty2 = 1;
vectz2 = 0;
rgb = "1 1 1";
mirror = 0.98;
shape = "plane";
x = 2;
y = 0;
z = 0;
vectx1 = 0;
vecty1 = 1;
vectz1 = 0;
vectx2 = 0;
vecty2 = 0;
vectz2 = 1;
rgb = "0.5 0.5 1.0";
mirror = 0.98;
shape = "plane";
x = -2;
y = 0;
z = 0;
vectx1 = 0;
vecty1 = 1;
vectz1 = 0;
vectx2 = 0;
vecty2 = 0;
vectz2 = 1;
rgb = "1.0 1.0 1.0";
mirror = 0.98;
shape = "plane";
x = 0;
y = -2;
z = 0;
vectx1 = 1;
vecty1 = 0;
vectz1 = 0;
vectx2 = 0;
vecty2 = 0;
vectz2 = 1;
rgb = "1.0 0.5 0.5";
mirror = 0.98;
shape = "plane";
x = 0;
y = 2;
z = 0;
vectx1 = 1;
vecty1 = 0;
vectz1 = 0;
vectx2 = 0;
vecty2 = 0;
vectz2 = 1;
rgb = "0.5 1 0.5"
mirror = 0.98;
When creating the camera, you must define:
- The coordonates of the camera (posx, posy and posz)
- The angle of the camera (angle1, angle2)
You could also define:
- the field of view (fov)
When creating a shape, you must define:
- The shape
- its coordinates (x, y and z, all doubles)
- its texture. Depending on the shape, it can be:
- a color defined with 'color'
- a texture defined with:
- a color (rgb/rgba)
- a color and a light (rgb/rgba)
- a color, a light and a mirror value (double)
list of the available shapes:
- sphere
- plane
- triangle
- ambiant_light/ambiantLight/ambiant/light
- directional_light/directionalLight/directional
- object
When creating a sphere, you must also define:
- the radius (double)
When creating a plane, you must also define:
- the size of the plane via two vectors:
- first vector defined like this:
- vectx1
- vecty1
- vectz1
- second vector defined like this:
- vectx2
- vecty2
- vectz2
When creating a triangle, you must also define:
- the size of the plane via two points:
- first point defined like this:
- x1
- y1
- z1
- second point defined like this:
- x2
- y2
- z2
When creating an ambiant light, you must also define:
- The color (rgb/rgba, or a texture)
When creating a directional light, you must also define:
- The color (rgb/rgba, or a texture)
- the direction (x, y and z)
When creating an object, you must define:
- the path of the file (path/to/object.obj)
You can also define a group which contains lany of these shapes using group.
Warning: if the shape is not defined or invalid, the program will fail! Warning: each undefined value will be replaced by a default value !
To run the project:
> make
> ./raytracer <SCENE_FILE> with argument
THE arguments to return which are the following:
--blending or -b for Blending, which overlays the scene possibilities
--fov or -f for Field Of View, which changes the fov of the scene
--height or -h for Height, which changes the size we want for our scene
--width or -w for Width, which changes the width of our scene
--out or -o for Out, which changes the output file name
--rebound or -r for Rebound, which changes the number of bounce of the light
Cyprien Nguyen-Van-Vien |
Damien Benais-Captal |
Pierre-Louis Leroy |
Virgile Berrier |
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]