Plataforma para a votação dos projetos da computação amostra do CESUPA.
npm run dev
: incia o ambiente de desenvolvimento
npm run build
: inicia o processo de build da aplicação
npm run build gera a pasta dist com o arquivo index.html e a pasta assets com o bundle do javascript e assets usados no site
MongoDB Yarn or NPM NodeJs
To install it without you will have to acess MongoDB(, follow the instructions till the end.
To install with docker, run the command:
docker run --name some-mongo -d mongo:tag
After the installations is completed, create a database named (Nome do banco) with the GUI of your, recommended: MongoDB Compass(
After cloning the repository, navigate to the backend folder and run the following command on terminal to install dependencies
npm or yarn
now run the application to connect to the database.
npm run dev
yarn dev
After connecting, the database and tables may not appear because they still do not have saved data. But the database is connected.
For testing, the JSON file for Insomnia( is available on Notion(URL) for download, in -backend docs-, import the file on your Insomnia to visualize the routes.
To visualize the requirements for each route, access it's -controller file-
The API have automated testing in all it's services, to run the tests enter the following command on terminal:
npm run test
yarn test