A Client-side Pathfinding Mod in Dont Starve Together In Lua
See it in DST Workshop : AutoWalking
just right click in your map (it's okay as well to right click in other map hud when you have a Minimap HUD or Smallmap Mod) and the character will automatically find a way and travel the destination you pointed.
For wortox and other modcharacter who has a map action, right click in map for once to autowalk, double rightclick for originally map action.
To stop the walking , just press any of walkbuttons(WASD) or click something in game
you can start the autowalking in your code when you enabled this mod:
local dest = Vector3(11,45,14) # Point of your destination
ThePlayer.components.ngl_pathfollower:Travel(dest) # start to pathfind and autowalk to the destination