An approach to enhance reference-based spatial deconvolution methods
Wang, Linhua, et al. "Accurate cell type deconvolution in spatial transcriptomics using a batch effect-free strategy." bioRxiv (2022): 2022-12.
Wang, L., Maletic-Savatic, M. & Liu, Z. Region-specific denoising identifies spatial co-expression patterns and intra-tissue heterogeneity in spatially resolved transcriptomics data. Nat Commun 13, 6912 (2022).
Make sure [email protected] is used.
To automatic ReSort's pipeline, we will install a virtual environment:
$ RESORT_dir=$(pwd)
$ python3 -m venv env_resort
$ source env_MIST/bin/activate
Make sure pip3
is using the virtual environment:
(env_resort)$ which pip3
>>> env_resort/bin/pip3
Install the dependencies from requirements.txt
by running pip3 install -r $RESORT_dir/requirements.txt
To test if MIST dependencies are installed:
(env_resort)$ cd $RESORT_dir/
(env_resort)$ python
Python 3.8.10 (default)
[GCC 9.4.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import sys
>>> sys.path.append("MIST/")
>>> from ReST import ReST
>>> quit()
To run RESORT with the latest stereoscope version, please clone stsc
into a directory /path/to/stsc
by running git clone
. To install stereoscope
(env_resort)$ cd /path/to/stsc
(env_resort)$ ./ install
To test stereoscope is installed:
(env_resort)$ python -c "import stsc; print(stsc.__version__)"
stereoscope : 0.3.1
(env_resort)$ stereoscope test
successfully installed stereoscope CLI
For any issues occured during installation of stereoscope, please refer to stsc-issues or open an issue in RESORT's issue panel.
Although we provided adaptors to integrate ReSort with R-based deconvolution methods, the dependencies for each of the methods in deconv_models/run*.R
need to be installed separately from their sources. Please refer to the home pages for each method below to install the dependencies.
- [MuSiC] (
- [RCTD/spacexr] (
- [Spotlight] (
- [SpatialDWLS/Giotto] (
To run RESORT, call:
python --input INPUT_PATH \
--outdir OUTPUT_DIR \
--param_fn PARAM_YAML_FN \
--finer OPTIONAL \
--ref_count_fp OPTIONAL \
--ref_meta_fp OPTIONAL
* input: path to the input data, either of the following two types:
1. For 10X Visium, Space Ranger `Folder` with the following contents:
- [Folder]/spatial/tissue_positions_list.csv
- [Folder]/filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5
2. General spatial transcriptomics data:
- counts.csv - gene expression data frame in Pandas.DataFrame format, where each row is a spot and each column is a gene. Spots' indices are in the format of `axb` where `a` is `x coordinate` and `b` is `y coordinate`.
* outdir: path to direcotry for saving artifacts, results, and plots.
* tool: reference-based deconvolution algorithm used by RESORT, default as `stsc`.
* param_fn: path to yaml file containing parameters for `MIST``, `RESORT` region marker list and `Cell type tree`.
* finer: True of False, whether performing finer cell type deconvolution or not, if yes, an external reference is required.
* ref_count_fp: path to reference count matrix in tsv format, required if finer is True. rows: cells, columns: genes.
* ref_meta_fp: path to reference meta matrix in tsv format, required if finer is True. rows: cells, column `bio_celltype`: cell type annotation.
To run reference-free region-level deconvolution:
python --input INPUT_PATH \
--outdir OUTPUT_DIR \
--param_fn PARAM_YAML_FN
An yaml file is required to specify MIST and RESORT parameters, please refer to params.yaml
as a template to tune the parameters.
This yaml file contains three fields. Field MIST
are required for region-level deconvoution.
The field MIST
spcifies parameters related to the package MIST for region detection.
species: 'Human' #either Mouse or Human
n_pcs: 5 # number of PCs to be used
min_sim: 0.5 # minimum of similarity scores for thresholding
max_sim: 0.91 # maximum of similarity scores for thresholding
min_cell_count: 3
min_read_count: 200
min_region_size: 20 # minimum region size
hvg_prop: 0.9 #top 90% of hvgs used
step_size: 0.02 #search step of the weights
The field RESORT
specifies marker genes for each of the expected region-level cell types from the users' input:
Cancer: ['TM4SF1']
Ductal: ['CRISP3']
Other Normal: ['PRSS1']
RESORT will require these marker genes to annotate each of the detected regions.
To run finer cell type deconvolution, a single-cell RNA-seq data and the cell type annotation file are needed as an external reference. Please refer to stsc for detailed formats of such files. In brief,
- count.tsv: rows are cells, columns are genes, whose symbols match with the ST data.
- meta.tsv: rows are cells and match with the
, one column must bebio_celltype
denoting cell type.
The following command will yield the final results for finer cell type deconvolution on the PDAC-A ST sample:
python --input data/PDACA/PDACA_ST.csv \
--outdir results/PDACA/ \
--param_fn params.yaml \
--finer True \
--ref_count_fp data/PDACA/reference/pdacb_count.tsv \
--ref_meta_fp data/PDACA/reference/pdacb_meta.tsv
In finer cell type deconvolution, another field is required in the params.yaml
, which is CellHierarchy
Cancer: ['Cancer']
Ductal: ['Ductal - APOL1 high', 'Ductal - CRISP3 high', 'Ductal - MHC Class II', 'Ductal - terminal ductal like']
Other Normal: ['Acinar cells', 'Endocrine cells', 'Endothelial cells', 'Macrophages', 'Mast cells', 'Monocytes', 'T cells & NK cells', 'Tuft cells', 'mDCs', 'pDCs']
It specifies the hierarchy of the cell types among the region-level cell types and the finer cell types. All the finer cell types appeared in the cell hierarchy should also exist in the annotation file for the external reference.
The results will be saved to results/PDACA/final
in this case.