This project is for educational purposes only. Don't use this for illegal activities. You are the only responsible for your actions.
As mentioned above this portscanner was created for educational purposes as I wanted a small python project to work on.
This portscanner hast multithreading and has a progressbar to track how much of the scan is done. To do a full scan, all 65536 ports takes for me just over 1 hour.
Port Scanning is actively looking for open ports on a host or system to then possibly use for a exploit or attack on that system. More on portscanners
usage: [-h] [-s STARTPORT] [-e ENDPORT] host
positional arguments:
host Hostname or IP of host system to be scanned
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Port number to start scan (0-65535)
Port number to end scan (0-65535)