3635 commits
to main
since this release
Release 9.2.0-A5 / 1.14.3-A0 / 2.5.4-A1
Bug Fixes
- elidion: Added test for Shadowland Flying
- Blanckaert: Removed support for Lightheaded
- Hendo72: Quest completion was not immediatly completing the step
- Blanckaert: Removed the (!?) display on some steps
- Spoony: /wp where explodes inside instances no more
- Blanckaert: |Z|#;Name| zone validation was BROKEN
- Blanckaert: Broker crash if Leveling module was not loaded
- Spoony: Crash while doing Protoform Synthesis fixed
Guide Updates
Retail Leveling
- Alliance: Night Elf Intro, Jade Forest
- Horde: Arathi Highlands, Ghostlands, Orc Intro, Jade Forest
- Neutral: Mechagon, Rogue Order Hall, Shaman Order Hall, Suramar, Towlong Steppes, Ardenweald, Bastion, Chains of Domination, Covenant, Maldraxxus, Revendreth, Zereth Mortis
Retail Achievements
- Boken Isles Treasures
- Zereth Mortis Tales of the Exile (first draft)
Retail Dailies
- Horde: Dominace Offensive
- Neutral: Shadow Pan, Tannan Jungle
Retail Professions
- Alchemy: All 9 updated
- Blacksmithing: Ditto
- Enchanting: Ditto
- Engineering: Ditto
- Jewlcrafting: Ditto
- Leatherworking: Ditto
- Tailoring: Ditto
- Inscription: Ditto
Classic Leveling
- Nada
Classic Professions
- Alchemy, BS, Enchanting, Eng, First Aid, LW, Tailoring
Burning Crusade Classic Leveling
- Horde: Ghostlands, The Barrens, Horde Chapter 1 & 2
Burning Crusade Classic Professions
- Alchemy, BS, Enchanting, Eng, First Aid, JC, LW, Tailoring