Yeoman generator for Facebook's React framework and Flux application architecture.
- React JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- Flux Application architecture for building user interfaces
- ESLint The pluggable linting utility for JavaScript and JSX
- Compass Css authoring framework
- Sass CSS with superpowers
- Require JavaScript file and module loader optimized for in-browser use
- Grunt JavaScript task runner for performing repetitive tasks like minification, compilation, unit testing, linting, etc
- Jasmine Behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code
- Istanbul JavaScript statement, line, function, and branch code coverage when running unit tests
- Watch Automated JSX and Sass compilation when watched file patterns are added, changed, or deleted
$ npm install -g yo grunt-cli react-tools
To install generator-reactjs-flux run the following command:
$ npm install generator-reactjs-flux -g
Finally, initiate the generator:
$ cd ~/path/to/project/root
$ yo reactjs-flux
NPM Troubles? npm ERR! Are you seeing something like: Error: EACCES, mkdir '/Users/user/.npm/dargs/2.1.0'
Try the following commands and try the previous step again:
$ cd ~/Users/user
$ sudo chown -R $(whoami) .npm
$ gem install compass
If you find your css build results are empty, update your sass gem.
The default grunt task will compile jsx and scss files as well as start a watcher for them.
$ grunt
Same as the default grunt task, however it will reinstall dependencies.
$ grunt init
Run Jasmine unit tests, JSHint, and JSCS
$ grunt test
Same as grunt test, however, this task will run code coverage and launch the code coverage in your browser.
$ grunt test:cov
Run unit tests in the browser on actual source rather than instrumented files from istanbul.
$ grunt jasmineDebug --filter {/folder|file}
Run unit tests for a filtered set of folders or files without code coverage thresholds.
$ grunt jasmineFilter --filter {/folder|file}
Randy Lien for the work done on the react-gulp-browserify generator.
The Yeoman team.