Master | Develop |
- API Base endpoint: localhost:8080/api
- Swagger: localhost:8080/api/swagger-ui.html
- H2 console: localhost:8080/api/h2-console
- JDK 17
- Maven
Make sure you have all prerequisites, no Maven wrapper is included.
Clone/download the repository.
Open the project folder in a terminal.
Run the app:
mvn spring-boot:run
- Spring - Jakarta EE Framework
- Spring Data JPA - Spring JPA framework
- Spring Security - Spring security framework
- H2 Database - for development purposes
- Project Lombok - used to reduce boilerplate code
- Springdoc OpenAPI - used for generating API docs
- JJWT - used for creating and verifying JWTs
- ModelMapper - model mapping library
This application is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.