This mod adds 5 custom moons and 50+ custom scrap items from the Marble Blast series of games/mods.
GarageGames and The Platinum Team for the creation of Marble Blast Gold, Marble Blast Platinum, Marble Blast Ultra, and PlatinumQuest, all of which have assets used in this mod.
Alex Swanson for the creation of Grand Finale and Horizon.
Ian for the creation of Gym.
Threefolder for the creation of Platinum Construction Co.
Xelna for the creation of Arrival to Marbleland.
Thanks to Tomatobird8 and KarmaRain for beta testing this project and giving me helpful feedback that improved the mod significantly.
Many people were essential in bringing this project to its completion. I'll list as many as I can remember here. Sorry if you helped me at some point and I forgot! These names are in no particular order.
The Lethal Company Modding Discord
ReindogFan1372 (undyingduck)
The__Matty (mattymatty)
Xu Xiaolan
Noosh (nooshstuff)
Extra special thanks to FlavoredSaucer for helping me with Blender issues more times than I can count. He is the reason any of the scrap works at all.
I plan on adding more to this mod. The next major update will likely have network synced moving platforms and potentially a new moon. In the future (Version 2.0), however, I hope to add a Marble Blast Level Editor-themed interior!
If you find any issues with this mod/have suggestions or ideas for improvements, message me at @MBCollector672 on Discord, or create an issue at