A set of Ansible scripts for a single node Tableau Server (TS) including installation & uninstallation, offline activation & deactivation, and configuration of forward & reverse proxy, hardening, OpenID, SMTP, and SSL. Tested and validated on CentOS 7.3.
- Clone the repository
- Edit playbook.yml to include the roles you want to run
- Edit tableau_server.yml to change host vars and hosts.yml to change host connection vars
- Edit the role specific default files to set your environment-specific defaults
- Run the ansible script!
- Ansible - Developed and tested on version 2.7
- Access to a machine running CentOS 7.3 (>=7.3 and <=8.X) that meets the minimum requirements where you will install Tableau Server
- If configuring OpenID, access to an Identity Provider that is configured to work with Tableau Server
- If configuring forward and reverse proxies, access to a forward and reverse proxy that is configured to work with Tableau Server
- If configuring SMTP, access to an SMTP server with valid credentials
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- MHarmony - GitHub
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details