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MSWS edited this page Jan 18, 2019 · 17 revisions

Guide to configuring FreakyEnchants

FreakyEnchants has a large amount of customization within it. Nearly every single enchantment you can customize.

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How do I disable an Enchantment?

The easiest way to disable an enchantment is to remove it from the GUI. Note that administrators will still have access to it. In order to prevent this, you should also add the enchantment id under the DisabledWorlds in the config.yml

Can I change the max levels for enchantments?

No, however administrators can override the max levels with /addenchant. If you add support for extra levels in the configuration, it will be utilized.

Global Settings

These settings apply everywhere when applicable.

Name Explanation Example
StatusMessage This denotes the format that status messages will be sent to the player. Can be set to CHAT or ACTIONBAR
NPC.Type The EntityType that the NPC will be You can view all entity types here
NPC.Name The Display name that the NPC will have "&a&lEnchanter"
NPC.AllowLeftClick Whether or not the NPC can be interacted with using left click True or False
NPC.AllowRightClick Whether or not the NPC can be interacted with using right click True or False
Economy.Type What type of Economy to use. XP won't work for offline players XP, TOKEN, VAULT
Economy.Precision Only applies if you use XP. Number of digits after the decimal. 2 is recommended for legibility
AutoSmelt.Drops (TO BE MOVED) List of blocks that will be converted, and into what - 'IRON_ORE': IRON_INGOT
DisabledWorlds.All All Enchantments will be disabled in the listed worlds - 'Vanilla'
DisabledWorlds.[Enchantment] The enchantment will be disabled in the listed worlds - 'NoExcavation'

Sound Settings

These settings apply not only to the sound section, but also to anywhere where sounds are specified

Sounds | The sound to be played. Add on Disabled: true to disable this sound | View available sounds here Sounds.Pitch | The pitch of the sound to be played | Default is 1 Sounds.Volume | The volume of the sound to be played | Default is 1

Name Explanation
GoToMain When the player goes back to the enchantment category selector
PurchasedEnchantment When the player purchases an enchantment in the /enchanter GUI
SelectedEnchantment When the player select an enchantment in the /redeem GUI
InsufficientFunds When the player attempts to purchase an enchantment with an insufficient balance
IterateLevels When the player goes through the enchantment levels in the /enchanter GUI
NextInventory When the player goes into a category within the /enchanter GUI
EnchantmentAdded When the player successfully adds an enchantment to an item
OpenEnchantmentInventory When the player opens the enchanter GUI (Either through a command or NPC)
CloseEnchantmentInventory When the player closes the enchanter GUI
OpenRedeemInventory When the player opens the redeem GUI (with /redeem)
CloseRedeemInventory When the player closes the redeem GUI
TokenDeleted When the player deletes a token with Q

GUI Settings

Name Explanation
EnchantmentSuffix Lore to add on to the current lore when there are multiple levels
DefaultSpawnedItemsType Default icon for items spawned in with /giveenchant
NoTokens Icon to display in the GUI when the player has no tokens
TokenTitle Display Name of tokens
TokenDeleteLine How to inform the player that Q deletes items

Enchantment Settings

Most enchantments are extremely customizable


  1: #This will be the probability for the level 1 enchantment
  2: #This will be the probability for the level 2 enchantment
  3: #[...]
  5: #The level 4 enchantment will default to the probability for 3

Special Cases

Tip: 20 ticks in one second, 1000 milliseconds in 1 second

Enchantment Case Explanation
Excavation AllowCreative If true, players in creative will still be able to use excavation
Excavation PlayEffect If true, a block break effect will be played for each block broken
Excavation IteratePer How often should MaxBlocks be broken (in ticks)
Excavation MaxBlocks How many blocks should be broken every IteratePer
Excavation DontBreak Which blocks will not be broken
Rage Multiplier Multiplier for damage, each hit will be dmg * (combo ^ multiplier)
Rage ResetAfterKill If true, the combo will be reset when the player kills an entity
Revive MinimumHealth Minimum Health that the entity must be at for it to be healed
Summoner EntityType Type of entity to spawn in, should be targettable (IronGolem, Wolf, Snowgolem, etc.)
Barrage RequireFullCharge If true, the player must pull back the bow completely
Barrage UseInventoryArrows If true, each barrage arrow will be removed from the player's inventory
Barrage AllowInfinity If true and the player has infinity, arrows will not be removed
Barrage OffsetInaccuracy How far apart from the origin can each arrow be
Barrage Spread The spread of the arrows
Barrage Speed How fast each arrow will be
ExtraXP MustBeSolid If true, blocks such as tall grass, flowers, etc. will not count
SelfDestruct BreakBlocks Whether or not the explosion will break blocks
EnderShot TeleportSound Sound to be played when the player teleports
EnderShot DeleteArrow If true, the arrow will be deleted when it lands
FrostWalker BlockTypes List of blocks (in ascending order) to set, STATIONARY_WATER should be the last block
FrostWalker Lifetime How long until blocks are set back to water (in ticks)
DoubleJump Strength Strength of the double jump
DoubleJump JumpSound Sound played when the player activates double jump
ChainReaction Reiterate Whether or not the effect spreads to entities near the entities that are near the player
OreSeeking IncludeOres List of blocks to scan for