Mabox provides two Labwc sessions/profiles
- labwc
- mabox-labwc (to be experimental)
Both are very basic at the moment.
Pre-release ISO is available at
combination | action |
A -Tab |
activate next window |
A -F4 |
close window |
W -a |
toggle maximize |
F11 |
toggle fullscreen |
W -b |
toggle decorations |
A -mouse-left |
move window |
A -mouse-right |
resize window |
A -arrow |
move window to edge |
W -arrow |
resize window to fill half the output |
W -keypad_1..9 |
resize window to regions |
A -space |
show the window menu |
XF86_AudioLowerVolume |
amixer sset Master 5%- |
XF86_AudioRaiseVolume |
amixer sset Master 5%+ |
XF86_AudioMute |
amixer sset Master toggle |
XF86_MonBrightnessUp |
brightnessctl set +10% |
XF86_MonBrightnessDown |
brightnessctl set 10%- |
combination | application |
A -F2 |
launcher (gmrun) |
A -F3 |
launcher (bemenu) |
W -Return , W -t |
foot |
W -f |
filemanager (pcmanfm) |
W -w |
webbrowser (firefox) |
W -e |
editor (geany) |
W -v |
volume (pavucontrol) |
W -r |
internet radio (pyradio) |
W -m |
sound and music menu (jgmenu) |