This is the recreation of the Cohen, March and Olsen (1972) Garbage Can Model of organizational decision making using Python 2.7.6 and numpy
I wanted to recreate the model and rewrite it in Python to better understand how it works. I don't know Fortran but I managed to use the original code from the Appendix as a guide in building the model.
For those interested in how the model works I would point you to the original article first. You can then use the Python model I created to recreate the original results and play with the assumptions. Wherever possible I tried to preserve the original names of variables, vectors and matrices.
You will need numpy, random and xlwt to run the model. At the end you will receive a summary Excel file (remember to edit the destination for the file). The file contains the results of the simulation for each of the combination of parameters (net energy load, energy distribution, problems-to-choices access matrix, choices-to-decision makers access matrix).
The output has 81 rows, one for each combination of parameters and 18 columns for results, which are (per number of column)
net energy load option
energy distribution option
problems-to-choices access matrix
choices-to-decision makers access matrix
mean # of resolutions
mean # of oversights
mean # of flights
mean # of quickies (my addition)
mean # of unresolved
mean # of problems shifting
mean # of active problems
mean of problem latency
mean # of active decision makers
mean # of shifts for decision makers
mean energy spent
mean excess energy
mean # of unresolved choices
mean # of active choices
This code has been tested using Python 2.7 through the Anaconda Python distribution
Required modules:
- random
- numpy
- xlwt
Cohen, Michael D., James G. March, and Johan P. Olsen. 1972. "A garbage can model of organizational choice." Administrative Science Quarterly: (17)1: 1-25.