- Laravel = 11.20.0
- PHP = 8.2.12
- Composer Version = 2.7.7
- Configure the Email in the .env File
- MAIL_HOST=smtp.mailtrap.io
- MAIL_PORT=465 # TLS: 587 | SSL: 465
- MAIL_USERNAME=your-mailtrap-username
- MAIL_PASSWORD=your-mailtrap-password
- MAIL_ENCRYPTION=ssl # encryption method: (tls | SSL)
- Configure the Email in App/Http/Controllers/FormController.php Mail::to('[email protected]')->send(new SendMail($mailData));
- Clone the repository.
- Run composer install to install dependencies.
- Set up your database configuration in the .env file.
- Run php artisan migrate to create the necessary database tables.
- Customize the application as needed.
composer install
php artisan migrate
php artisan serve