Open source Last.FM Milestone image generation script. Original Source: https://github.com/MartyniP/lastfm-milestones
Created by MartyniP.co.uk, Copyright 2012.
Version: 1.0.0 PHP Last.FM Milestones image generator
- php
- php-gd
- php MySQL
- Web Server
- phpMyAdmin
- Extra ttf font files
- We recommened only having web/ accessable by the web, to prevent non-command line execution which could cause heavy CPU load, and flood of requests to Last.FM API
- Copy code from sql.txt to your MySQL database.
- Complete config.php with your details before runing milestones.php
- chmod the directory 'web' to 777
- Rename 'web/rename_to.htaccess' to 'web/.htaccess'
- Point virtual host at folder 'web/'
- Add cron task as show below: 0,30 * * * * /usr/bin/php /path/to/folder/milestones.php Note: This task will run twice every hour
- (Optional) Change 404_error.psd to create your own custom error message.
- Customisable colours for background, border, text background and text colour.
- Customisable font
- Cache of API requests to reduce bandwidth and flood of Last.FM API
- Customisable cache length, by user
Working - Debian 6.0 (2.6.32-5-686) Working - Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS (2.6.9-39)
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en_GB)