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Discord Bot

This repository contains a simple Discord bot that I created as a learning endeavor. The bot has limited commands and is designed to run on my home web server.

Getting Started

To use this bot, you will need to do the following:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Install the necessary dependencies by running npm install discord.js and npm install axios. If you do not have nodejs you will need to install it
  3. Set up a Discord bot and obtain a bot token.
  4. Create a config.json file in the root directory of the project and add the following:

{ "clientId": "Bot ID", "guildId": "your discord server ID", "token": "your bot token", "tenorAPI": "your tenor api token" }

  1. Run the bot by running node index.js. If you want the process to run in the background without exiting use nohup node discord-bot/index.js &. I have not been able to run that via SSH, I had to run that on the server itself then using exit to logout.

Available Commands

Currently, the bot supports the following commands:

  • /avatar: Fetches a user's avatar.
  • /hug: Specify a user and the bot will send a hug gif @ that user (in development).
  • /kiss: Specify a user and the bot will send a kiss gif @ that user (in development).
  • /slap: Specify a user and the bot will send a slap gif @ that user (in development).
  • /kick: Doesn't kick anyone.
  • /bing: Replies with "Bong!".
  • /prune: Prune specified number of messages in the active channel.
  • /server: Fetch server information.
  • /user: Fetch user information.


This bot is a personal learning project, so contributions are not currently being accepted. However, feel free to fork this repository and modify the code to suit your needs.