This project assumes that you are writing with the Angular project, bought should be fairly adaptable to others. It has only been tested on a small scale, but works with what is there. It may need (and probably needs) to be adjusted to each project. Also, there is a high chance that it needs to be more flexible at it's base, but guess what? Someone else cares more than me! ...sorry for the's been a long month.
Technologies include:
- Gulp
- Angular
- Browserify
- Babelify (Babel for Browserify,requires babel-preset-es2015 and babel-preset-angular)
- Jade Templates
- Sass
- Connect (for and easy static local server with livereload)
- Uglify
- Imagemin
Browserify, Babelify, and the babel-presets weren't playing well with npm install They may need to be installed separately
The gulp
command will compile to the Test/ directory, for processed, but unminified code. This allows for easier debugging.
gulp build
will compile minified code and images to the Web/ directory for faster production speeds.