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Before running 

    nodemon index.js

to start the server in VS Code please 

    1) Create the .env File

    it should contain

        port = 456  // 456 should be the port that you use in development

        dbconfig = {"connectionLimit": 10,"user": "root","password": "your passsword for root","host": "localhost","database": "database name that you use"}

    2) Install all the dependencies in the package-lock.json file using the command

        npm install

After the server successfully starts

Use the following endpoints to interact with the server

......................Authentication End points

login POST > localhost:3000/auth/login

include this in the body as a JSON object

    "UserName" : "[email protected]",
    "pass" : "password"

            * Please note that after login user gets invalidated after 500 minutes

logout DELETE > localhost:3000/api/logout

change passsword POST > localhost:3000/api/changepass

include this in the body as a JSON object

    "currpassword": "pass",
    "newpassword" : "password"

signup POST > localhost:3000/auth/signup

            Here type can be      a) admin   or   b)regular
    "UserName" : "[email protected]",
    "pass" : "pass",
    "type" : "admin",
    "fname": "meelan",
    "lname": "bandara"

......................User Action containing End points for Space Object Handling

Add Astronomy object POST > localhost:3000/api/AddAstrObj        error

    "Tag" : "object name",
    "Image" : "url",
    "CardText": "cardtext",
    "Desc" : "description",
    "tStamp": "time stamp"

Edit Astronomy object PUT > localhost:3000/api/EditAstrObj

    "ID" : "id",
    "Image" : "url",
    "CardText": "cardtext",
    "Desc" : "description",
    "tStamp": "time stamp"

    Here ID should be defined but desc, cardtext, image are not compulsory

Edit Planet object PUT > localhost:3000/api/EditPlanet

    "ID" : "id",
    "Image" : "url",
    "CardText": "cardtext",
    "Desc" : "description",
    "tStamp": "time stamp"

    Here also above condition holds

Get list of astro objects GET > localhost:3000/api/getAstrList?count=5&tbName=astronomical_object

    Here count is the number of rows that you need from the DB. tbName is either astronomical_object or planet 
    according to the requirement.

Get an Astro Object GET > localhost:3000/api/getAstrObj?id=idvalue

Get a planet Object GET > localhost:3000/api/getPlanet?id=idval

.......................User Action containing End points for news object handling

Add a news POST > localhost:3000/api/AddNews

    "CardText": "CDTEXT",
    "Desc" : "data",
    "tStamp": "timestamp"

Edit a news PUT > localhost:3000/api/EditNews

    "id":"news_id as an integer"
    "CardText": "CDTEXT",
    "Desc" : "data",
    "tStamp": "timestamp"

Fetch news list  GET > localhost:3000/api/getNewsList?count=5

        * Please Note that the count refers for the number of news articles required

Fetch a news GET > localhost:3000/api/getNews?id=2

        * Here id refers to the news_id of the required news object. You will have to pass it on from the FO

Add a comment POST > localhost:3000/api/addComment?id=2&comment=comment body

    "id": "news_id as an integer",
    "Comment" : "comment"

Get all the comments GET > localhost:3000/api/getComment?id=1

        * Here id refers to the news_id of the required news object. You will have to pass it on from the FO


Astronomical App






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