Hey there! I'm Michael Wiciak, your friendly neighborhood software enthusiast. 🎉 If you're as passionate about diving into complex problems as I am, you’re in the right place! Whether it’s coding up innovative solutions, fine-tuning machine learning models, or hacking together something cool for a group project, I thrive on challenges.
As I prepare to graduate with a degree in Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence from the University of Leeds, my playground is full of exciting projects. From developing an app that automates badminton court bookings (because why not make life easier?) to creating a nifty scheduler that helps students juggle deadlines, I've been busy building tools that make a difference.
Oh, did I mention I co-founded TimetableX? This project has helped hundreds of students keep their coursework organized while I flexed my React and TypeScript skills—what a ride! 🚀
When I’m not immersed in code, you can find me teaching others how to solder RC cars, casually speaking Polish or basic Chinese (just for fun), or playing badminton. I’m so committed that I’ve even built tools to book the courts automatically—yes, I’m that dedicated!
I’m proficient in Python, C, C++, and a handful of other languages. Got a new language you want to challenge me with? Bring it on! 💪
For detailed descriptions of each project and how they work, hop on over to my website: michaewiciak.com! Dive in, explore, and let’s chase something new together—whether it’s a coding challenge, a cool project idea, or simply learning how to work smarter.
Happy coding! ✨