For projects utilizing both Storybook and Bit, this addon brings Bit component data into Storybook. Using this addon will integrate the following information regarding a component, into Storybook:
- Available version tags
- Installation strings
- Source code
- Dependencies
- Change logs for components are not included since they are not available in the response provided by the api (
- This addon will not render different component versions in Storybook.
- @storybook/react project
- Components hosted with Bit (typically a scope on
- A server to proxy api-calls towards[org].[scope]
To be able to display data from you need a server to proxy api calls. For this addon the following routes need to be configured:
- https://[your.domain]/component/{component-id}
- https://[your.domain]/tarball/{component-id}/{version}
The addon requires these routes to return data regarding a specific component that you have hosted on
The component route must return json data modelled the same way as[org].[scope].{component-id}
The tarball route must return the Gunzipped contents of a components tarball:[org].[scope].{component-id}/-/@bit-[org].[scope].{component-id}-{version}.tgz
This addon requires the .tgz to be unzipped on the server and the contens to be returned from the tarball route. Here's an example of how that woul look:
Register the addon in .storybook/main.js:
module.exports = {
"addons": [
In your .storybook/preview.js, add a parameters variable if one does not exist already and add a bit paremeter to it, to be able to retrieve Bit component data via your server:
export const parameters = {
bit: {
apiUrl: "",
Then in your stories add an object named parameters (if one does not exist already) to the storys' metadata object (the storys' default export) then add bit to parameters:
export default {
parameters: {
bit: {
componentId: 'ui/button',