git clone
npm install
npm start
- Ej2 for displaying charts
- uuid for troubleshooting unique ids for the Sample Data table
- mui for data table
- Tailwind for styling, components and custome theme
Did some Reaserch on figuring out Ej2 to build charts from the given API
Figuring out how to best display the data from given API the amount of fields and data. I decided to split it between qualitative and quantitative data, with one being manipulated by the dates, and other by the various qualitative types
Would configure the Redux for a state Managment!
Would add tests for components and functions
Would setup the project with TypeScript
Sort out components better so they are broken down without need of functions. Break it down for better reusability and readability
Adding a couple more charts to showcase the fields further, like a radial graph
Configure webpack Modules to speed up and serve as a Static Files!
Add Lazy loading React components for optimizing DashBoard