This is a Python client for downloading weekly PGN-format chess game collections from The Week In Chess (TWIC) website, curated and maintained by Mark Crowther.
It provides a class called TWICClient, which has the following methods:
- get_available_pgn_game_urls: Returns a dictionary with all available PGNs for download. The key is the publishing date, and the value is the URL of the PGN zip file.
- download_pgn_game: Given the URL of the PGN zip file, downloads it and returns its content as a string.
- download_pgn_from_date: Given the date, downloads and returns the PGN, if available.
- download_all_pgns: Downloads all available PGNs, returning them in a dictionary with dates as keys.
The following code shows the user the 10 most recent available URLs. Then, asks the user for the desired date, showing the entire PGN if available.
from twic import TWICClient
client = TWICClient()
available_pgn_game_urls = client.get_available_pgn_game_urls()
print("Last 10 available PGN game URLs:")
for date, url in list(available_pgn_game_urls.items())[:10]:
print(f"{date}: {url}")
desired_date = input("Enter the date of the game you want to download (YYYY-MM-DD): ")
pgn_game = client.download_pgn_from_date(desired_date)
except ValueError:
print("No PGN game available for the given date.")
You can run it yourself in the demo folder.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.