A FormulaTree ADT
A tree that represents a boolean expression.
+ == OR
- == NOT
* == AND
a b c .. x y z == boolean values
E.g. "(x+y)" is an OR expression. Plugging True into the parameters 'x' and 'y' will give a resultant value of True
Brackets must open and close a valid expression. Brackets are not used for the NOT operator. There is one set of brackets for each operator.
Not Valid Expressions:
"-(x)" - Redundant use of brackets => "-x"
"-((x+y))" - Redundant use of brackets => "-(x+y)"
"(-x)" - Brackets are not used for NOT operator => "-x"
"(a+b+c)" - One set of bracket per operator => "((a+b)+c)"
"(a+b)*-c" - Missing a set of brackets => "((a+b)*-c)"
The following methods are in the formula_game_functions class.
build_tree - Creates a FormulaTree given the string representation of the boolean expression
>>> build_tree("-(x+y)")
>>> NotTree(OrTree(Leaf('x'), Leaf('y')))
find_root - Finds the root/base of the tree given a valid string formula
is_valid - Checks if a string formula is a valid expression
draw_formula_tree - Draws a sideway view of the expression given a FormulaTree root
>>> print(draw_formula_tree(NotTree(OrTree(Leaf('x'), Leaf('y')))))
>>> - + y
evaluate - Evaluates the boolean expression given the FormulaTree, string representation of all the parameters, and boolean values (1/0)
>>> evaluate(AndTree(OrTree(Leaf('a'), Leaf('b')), NotTree(Leaf('c'))), 'abc', '101')
>>> False
play2win - Given the FormulaTree, string representation of player's turn (Player E/A), string representation of parameters, and played boolean values, returns the optimal choice that the current player should play in order to win. E = 1, A = 0 to win.
>>> play2win(OrTree(Leaf('x'), Leaf('y')), 'EA', 'xy', '')
>>> 1
Player E goes first, and since the FormulaTree is a simple OR Tree, player E must play 1 in order to win the game.